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* 4 years later. Isabella is now 16, about to turn 17. Her new name is Jess Gonzalez and her mother's, Ava Gonzalez. John and Carlus, both childless bachelors, moved in with them after a false alarm. The agency still has them in protective custody of course.

Isabella has been homeschooled since the incident.

He has remained reclusive, and hasn't made a move since he kidnapped Isa all those years ago. The agency is starting to believe he has given up but Isa knows he will never stop, his obsession with her is too strong.

Isa still hasn't spoken a single word since the night she was found.

Reneé has been feeling off for about 2 weeks. John took her to a local physician to have some tests run*


* 3 days after doctor's appointment *

"Your test results have come in. If you'd like I can make you an appointment for 3:00 today to review them, Mrs. Gonzales."

"That would be great. Thank you. See you then."

I watched Mom hang up the phone and press her clammy palm to her forehead. I could see how worried she was. She had bags under her eyes, and her complexion looked ghostly. She's barely eaten since the appointment despite strong urging from me, John, and Carlus

I leaned against the banister with my hands folded and eyes closed, silently praying that they would be negative and she would be alright.


With shaky hands and jittery legs, she sat perched on the examining table, staring blankly at the wall. She was terrified and I was too, but I knew I had to stay strong for her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Gonzalez." an older man wearing a pearl white lab coat chirped. "Good morning." she replied with a forced smile. He plopped down onto his stool and took out a mustard colored folder from his clipboard. "Ready?" mom nodded nervously. He took out the paperwork and rubbed his face with his hand. He muttered the one word I was hoping not to hear.


My world shattered into a billion pieces.


Mom didn't take the news well but she put on a brave face for us all. She was always like that, strong and brave and selfless.
She took chemo therapy and radiation treatments but they weren't working. They were making her terribly sick so she made the decision to stop and let God handle it.

We all hoped that she would miraculously heal and be okay but that didn't happen.

She passed away in the hospital peacefully in her sleep.

When she died, a little piece of me died too. She was my world, she was all I had... And I lost her to a repulsive disease.

I sat by her side, with her hand clutched tightly between mine. The fact that she wad gone hasn't quite sank in yet.

Salty tears streamed down my cheeks and dropped to the floor like liquefied pieces of glass.

She didn't look like herself at all. Her skin was pale, cold and bruised. Her hair was completely gone. Even her eyelashes amd eyebrows were gone. Her eyes were dark and sunken in and her lips were colorless.

"Bye mama." I mouthed as I began to drown in my grief. I let go of her hand and laid my head gently on her chest.

The pain in my chest was excruciating. So much I wanted her to take a breath, wrap her arms around me, and comfort me like she used to. But that was impossible now.

Everyone left the room to leave me to grieve which was for the best.

I wiped my cheeks and kissed her goodbye one last time. The doctors came in and pulled her bed sheet over her face. They took her bed out of the room and presumably to the morgue.

I staggered into the hallway and was met by 2 pairs of arms. John and Carlus held me as I sank to the floor and whaled for my mother.


This may not make a bit of sense but oh well, I tried. - Raine

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