My Teacher and I

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                                                                   ~Chapter 4~

                              Last night I finally fell asleep at like midnight because I kept wondering why Mr. Parker would come to my house to talk to me. I mean, there is no legitiment reason for him to come, so why would he? So many thoughts were going through my head that I am really surprised I fell asleep last night.

                         I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. I swear I would rather have my fucking mom wake me up then my stupid alarm clock. I lazily got out of bed and snoozed my alarm clock. I then started to get ready for school like any other day. Today I decided to wear a strapless lime green dress that goes to my knees. It is a solid green under, and white lace over it. I wore a tanish mini jacket to top it off. For shoes I wore my 2 inch brown ankle boots. 

                          Today I straightened my hair and then curled the ends. I did my make up a little different today. Instead of the usual I did a little brown eyeshadow macara, eyeliner and some blush. I also put on some cappucino flavored lip gloss. After I was done with my make up I put the lipgloss in my bag because I know how much Liz loves it. Then I started walking down the stairs to see my brother throwing cereal every where in just his underwear while my mom was yelling at him to sit down and eat his breakfast. I went up to my brother, grabbed him tight and whispered in his ear, "If you don't behave for mom then the tickle monster will get you, because he only comes for bad little boys who don't listen to their moms". After that he sat down and I went out the door. 

                                 Today I picked up Liz on the way to school and when I got to her house I handed her the lipgloss and she smiled really big. I laughed at her and asked her how her date went. She told me that they went to the place where they first meet, the park down the street. Brenden said that she looked so beautiful under the moonlight. And then they ended up making out with eachother for awhile. Then they broke apart and he got down on one knee and said that she was the love of his life and that he couldn't even imagine life without her. Then he said, Elizabeth Ann, will you marry me? Then he brought out a huge green diamond ring. She said yes and they did some things.. 

                             I was so excited for her and gave her a hug. When we broke apart she said "Kels, will you be my maid of honor?' And I flipped and said of course! Then we spent the whole ride to school talking about wedding things and how much fun it is going to be. 

                          When we got to school I parked my car and started walking inside with Liz by my side. We went through all our boring classes. Basically all we did in classes was pass out worksheets for homework and go over the rules of the classrooms. Pretty boring shit. Then I brought Liz home and went home myself. I walked in and found that I was by myself. My mom left a note on the fridge. Went to the park with Austin be home around 5.

                             That gives me about two hours by myself. I started watching TV until the doorbell rung. I walked to the door only to find Mr. Parker there looking sexy as ever.. STOP! I shouldn't be thinking about my teacher this way. He saw me staring and gave me another one of his sexy smirks. I blushed and told him he could come in. He followed me to the living room and sat down next to me and started talking. "Kelsey, please do not think I am weird or anything, but I think I have a smalll crush on you, Do you think you might feel the same way about me?" I flipped shit in my head. OH MY GOSH!!!! HE LIKES ME!!!! I replied, "Yes I like you, but my question is, why do you like me, I'm just a simple student, I mean you could probably get any of the girls in my graden but you choose me? Why?" 


Heheheh. I'll finish later, gunna go to the lake! Yay! Bye <3


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