My Teacher and I

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                                                                          ~Chapter Thirteen~

                *Kelsey's POV*

        I have been spending a lot of time with Liz because Adam hasn't tried contacting her sence he heard about the baby. I think it is pathetic, he can't even be there for his kid and he/she isn't even here yet! Liz has gotten a little bit of a baby bump and me and her are very excited about it. Let me tell you one thing, she has gotten worse then me with taking pictures! And that says a lot because I take like ten pictures a fucking day. Haha, anyways she hasn't complained about the baby anymore. At first she thought her life was ruined but now she has realized that this is a blessing in disguise. She can't wait for the baby to get here. I think she will be an amazing mom, she is going to be so overprotective with that kid that it isn't even going to be funny!

            Me and Liz decided that we were going to get ready to hang out so I got up out of my bed and decided to get ready. I never know what we are going to do until she gets here, she is the boss apparently and decides where we are going to go. I am not going to argue though, I don't really want to make her mad. With those pregnancy hormones she is even more bitchier then she was on her worst days! 

             I decided to wear a pear of light blue skinny jeans and a sense it was getting kind of hot outside I wore a hipster shirt. For shoes I decided on just simple blue flip flops with flowers on them. I straightened my hair and put on mascara and a little blush. Once I was done I looked in the mirror and I must say, I look pretty hot! 

I went back into my room and grabbed my phone. I saw I had a text from Adam.. *Throws up in mouth..* I opened the text and it said, Hi Kelsey, I am sorry for what I have done to you in the past. I honestly hope you can forgive me.. I have taken a hard look at my life and realized that what I have done was very wrong. I want to be there for my child. I also have realized that I am in love with you. Do you think that you could convince Elizabeth to let me into my childs life and do YOU think that you could let me into your life again?



         I stared at my phone in shock. Is he high or something? The last time he acted like this it was just a trick to get in my pants.. Should I believe him? I think I should make him prove to me that he has changed and when I feel that he has changed I will talk to Liz and maybe give him a second chance. I decided to answer him with, Hello Adam, I am going to consider your questions. I will do what you want once you prove to me that you have changed. Once you have changed I will talk to Liz and maybe give you a second chance. Okay? 

       Yes! Yes! Anything! Thank you so much Kelsey!! I love you so much right now! No joke! 

     Yeah, yeah. And I know you do..

      Well thank you so much. I have to grade some papers now.. Sorry princess. Goodbye ! <3

     Goodbye Adam...

    That was one strange conversation...

          *Kristina's POV*

   I sure was right about being watched. Turns out that Cody had been watching me all over again, just like before I came here. This is the one thing I didn't tell Kelsey. It is one thing that if I tell anyone it will bring back all the memories that I don't want to remember. Last year Cody was the school nerd. I was one of the few people who just left him alone. Turns out, that wasn't a smart decision. He thought that sense I didn't bully him that I liked him. I told him I did not have any interest in him and he didn't beleive me. He started to stalk me. Watch my every move. Then one day he took it a little too far and came into my room while I was outside and lay on my bed to wait for me. I walked in and saw him, once I screamed my mom ran up the stairs and saw what was happening. By that point he had a gun to my head. My mom ran downstairs and called the police. I don't know how but the police got him to put the gun down and they sent him to jail. Now he has escaped and is doing the same thing again. I can't beleive I didn't do anything when I thought it was happening again. Now I am here with him at his "house". He locked me in a room but right before he closed the door he said to me, "Now we can be together forever, My Princess." Those words scared the shit out of me. He was going to try to keep me here forever. I tried to find anyway possible to get out of this fucking place but nothing I saw could help me. A couple hours of looking around the room I found nothing and I had gotten really tired. I layed down on the bed he gave me and surprisingly, fell asleep.

           *Kelsey's POV*

    I had texted Kristina once everyday and she hasn't answered any of my texts. I thought she was mad at me and decided to confront her at school. But she wasn't at school all week. I wonder  if something happened to her? I swear if it was that Gaven kid he is going to wish he never layed a finger on her once I am done with him. But that suspicion was eliminated when I had seen him at school. If he had done something to Kristina then he would be with her. Dammit, Where is she!?

              *Cody's POV*

       I have succeded. I have captured her to be mine forever, whether she likes it or not. We are going to get married and have a family and no one is going to stop us. We are meant to be, even if she doesn't know it yet. Once I locked her in her room I went to watch some TV. A couple hours later I went to sleep with a smile on my face because I know that Kristina will be mine, and mine only forever. No one will tear us and our soon to be family apart. No one.


Like? I am so lucky to be home alone right now because then I would not have been able to update ! Send me some feedback Pleaaaaase! And follow me? Thank you to the few people that have followed me already. You guys are awesome <3

See ya! <3

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