Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover

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I do not own any of the characters in this fanfiction I have written. they belong to rick roiden  and JK rowling.

Ok guys I feel like I need to clear some things up.

-This story is set in between PJO and HOO. There are a few references but there are no major connections.

-The first 10 or so chapters i wrote when I was 12 and sadly back then Solangelo did not exist. I have tried to add it in later but I don't know how well that was.

-Don't bother commenting on spelling mistakes because a) I know that they are there b) autocorrect is a bitch and c) I do not have the time nor motivation to change them. And d) people need to chill.

-And I love every single on of my dedicated readers and thank you for putting up with my painfully slow updates. THANK YOU.

Also check out my other story that i'm super excited about. Follow the link to my profile and check it out their for more.

WallyRobin xx                                                                        20/09/16


Chapter 1

Harry's POV (Hogwarts)

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast in the grand hall with Hermione, Ginny and Ron. We had just arrived back at Hogwarts the night before on September 1st, apparently we needed to repeat out last year of school considering we had missed so much while of saving the world, so go figure. However, things were different now. Evidence of war could be see everywhere, on the wall, in the classrooms, in the people. It wasn't unusual to walk down the school halls and notice the black scotched stone that had marked the passage of a fight. I found it hard to be back living with these walls again. I had spent so much of my childhood trying to escape her from my home with the Dursleys only to find that I would do almost anything to turn my back on the final battlefield of the second wizarding war.

"Do they ever want us to leave Hogwarts?" Ron asked as he loaded his plate up with breakfast. He stabbed a sausage with his fork aggressively but didn't eat it.

"I don't mind that much. We hardly could take our NEWTS while hunting horcruxes. This is probably the best way to move on. After this we can have tests and then get jobs. Live normal lives." Hermione reasoned. I smiled at her slightly, always the practical one.

'We don't need stuff like that' Ron pointed out with this fork. 'Especially not Harry. All we need to do is turn up and they will be begging us to take the job. Were kind of famous now you know'

'But that would be cheating' Hermione said horrified 'No we have to do things the right way, and that means we need to stay in school'

'I agree with Hermione, maybe it won't be so bad spending a year here, with the biggest thing we need to worry about being Homework and curfew. We might have a normal year for once?' I said grinning. The three of us laughed and for a moment it felt like old times again.

It was good to be back with everyone. Hogwarts had always been my home but I had the horrible creeping sensation up my spine that it was not the same one that I felt behind last year.

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