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Adelaide gasped melodramatically and stormed toward the balcony, thrusting her upper body over the edge in order to get a glimpse at the beauty beneath her. Margot rushed forward, wrapping her fingers around her sister's slender legs, keeping her at bay. Margot glanced down, she watched the middle-eastern man with beautifully haunting eyes - an alarmingly bright grey - glance up at the sisters and smile. Adelaide giggled to herself and leaned back, looking up at her sister.

"He's lovely." she commented, leering over the balcony to take just one more look. "But I won't boost his ego, if anything he should run after me." Margot rolled her eyes and leaned on the railing of the balcony.

"He's not even your mate, Dela." Margot muttered, glancing at the human once more. He was speaking to his friend. Up there, you see, two girls - gorgeous. The one with blonde hair, I think she's interested in me. Dude, I don't think so. You didn't see it, she was leaning off of the balcony just to look at me; if that doesn't say something then what does? His friend snorted as did Margot. Get over it, she's way out of your league. Even the brunette, look at her, she's got this European model thing going on. What's the betting her name is something like Aleksandra Serkovych or whatever.

Hearing this, Adelaide yelled, "Try Margot Beaumont!"

The two boys jumped, their eyes immediately meeting the sisters', Adelaide grinned and waved as Margot simply smiled. "You heard us?" The friend with curly black hair said.

"Of course." Adelaide bragged, rolling her eyes. "You were not as quiet as you tried to be boys. And for the record, we are not Polish, we're French - of course, your friend here was correct assuming that we are European."

The boys were stunned, especially grey eyes. "Have you lost your confidence?" Margot questioned, an amused smile gracing her engaging features.

"No." Grey eyes answered, scoffing and waving her comment off. "Your sister's interested in me, I saw her staring." he said bluntly.

Adelaide looked at Margot incredulously as though she couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. "Admiring your beauty of course, before I realized that you're a pompous imbecile." she snapped, turning to the boys.

Abruptly, a body appeared beside the girls, the woman sneered at the males beneath. "Run along now, boys. We have business to attend to."

The boys were stunted for a moment as they soaked in the beauty of the blonde with eyes as gold as the sun, their jaws dropped in awe as their irises enlarged. Margot's head was thrown back as she laughed at their reaction to Rosalie, Adelaide smirked and waved at the boys in an antagonizing manner.

Margot closed the balcony doors and slid the laced curtains to cover their sight. Adelaide had wrapped her arms around Rosalie in an instant as Margot embraced Emmett, who had finally made a scene, booming with laughter as he heard the boys bitterly speak about the three beautiful women. Emmett's burly arms caged her as he picked her up and began spinning her around, Margot's wind-chime-like laughter caressed the room. Adelaide and Margot swapped partners, landing in a more delicate embrace that smelt of roses and jasmine, Rosalie wrapped her slender arms around Margot's shoulders and squeezed her.

"How's life in Rome?" Emmett asked.

"Boisterous." Margot answered, grinning. "I'm sure you'd love it here."

"Oh he would." Rosalie commented, sitting down and stroking the leather seats with a subtle smile. "Maybe when things have calmed down, in a few years, me and Emmett will join you for a century or two."

Adelaide grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet as Margot frowned. "Calmed down?" she questioned.

"Esme's kept you updated, right?" Emmett asked, sitting next to Rosalie and slowly entangling his fingers into hers, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. He did it with an absent-minded, without thought, and that made Margot's posture soften at the sight of their love.

"Yes, Edward's mate is a human who inflicts too much trouble so it seems." Margot answered. "She sends us letters every month."

Rosalie laughed, "Too much trouble, indeed. But now it's different, girls. Bella's pregnant."

Their smiles evaporated from their faces, Adelaide's eyes visibly changing to a deep maroon, Margot stiffened and clutched her younger sisters' hand in disbelief. The two girls glanced at each other, it was impossible, a human could never carry a Vampire inside of her, the child would crave blood; the human would not be able to create the nutrients the child will need.

"Then the baby will die." Adelaide cried.

"Bella will die." Emmett corrects her, "This is about Edward's mate, not the baby, we need to save her."

"And what about the baby?" Margot snapped. "Have you forgotten the basis of your lifestyle? Carlisle wishing to save lives, and in order to do so you drink the blood of animals! Is this not the act of saving a life?" asked in disbelief.

"To do that we must save her life." Rosalie said softly, "Believe me, Margot, Dela, I am on your side but Bella is Edward's mate."

"We need your help." Emmett said, the two girls shifting to look at the burly vampire. "Edward needs your help, he needs your power, Dela."

"My power doesn't abolish death, Emmett. I hope Edward knows that."

"He knows." Rosalie informed them. "He's taking as many chances he can find. If your power could help even in the slightest it would help Bella, and to him that is worthy enough. Margot, he needs you too. He knows that this is much to ask, but this is his mate."

Margot nodded immediately causing Adelaide to sharply glare at her. "Do you realise what pain you will be putting yourself in?"

"Of course." she answered softly. "That baby needs to be born, Dela. Do it for the baby." she begged.

For a moment Adelaide stayed silent. "I'll come, but only for the baby and for Edward."

Rosalie and Emmett smiled.

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