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"Always remember, wherever you are, whether near or far, you had a mother who really, really loved you. The original mother. Once you've found your true inner guru you can never again be divided. Perfect union with the divine, through the grace of your real teacher, transcends time, space, death and all worldly limitations. Your real teacher is the original mother - regardless in which manifest or non-manifest form, or gender, she appears. The one who nurtures you and the one who also, out of wisdom and compassion, corrects you if you are misguided. "

- Zeena Schreck


A woman that bore the world on her shoulders was deemed as a woman worthy of being a mother - so they say. Margot, a woman who bore her sister's world on her shoulders deemed herself as a protector of a soul tarnished with everlasting death that mirrored her own. Nothing seemed more important than the life of her sister's, she bared the consequences of putting her safety on hold in order to act as a shield for Adelaide. Clad with scars that were ferociously bitten upon her porcelain skin, Margot thought of nothing else other than this life.

   That was until a woman with the softest of smiles and kindest of eyes embraced the two girls within her heart. Esme watched over the two women for centuries alongside her husband Carlisle and his close friend Alexander - Alexander was expansive, sometimes he stayed and sometimes he left, but Esme and Carlisle were constant. Only then did Margot realise there was more to life than becoming a warrior for her sister's safety.


Things are still going to be intertwined! (That's all I'll say).

All rights go to Stefanie Meyers, I unfortunately did not write the Twilight books, but, however I did create Margot, Adelaide, Harvey, Alexander and Isla; the twists that are unfamiliar to you.

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