The Sudden Havoc

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Hey there my lovely human! (or an A.I. Because it's the freaking 21st century! )

If you find yourself stumbling into this page, there are a few things I, as a writer, would like to clear out before you decide whether or not this piece will be appealing to you.

The book, even though can be regarded as a Fan Fiction, doesn't follow up on the storyline of any particular fictional or reality show. The characters in the book are simply the creations of my own mind and have no link whatsoever with the shows the actors have been on. In this regard, I have chosen actors from a popular Indian youth show, Sadda Haq but they aren't anything like they were in the show. As a reader, you're free to imagine anyone in the place of my chosen actors while reading. The book is universally viable and is not only restricted to the Indian readers.

The story is unedited and there are quite a few grammatical and spelling errors in the chapters. Please do still continue even if you find it difficult with haphazardly written paragraphs (For the content). I can very well relate to the norms of the grammar police but the initial chapters were written long back when I was in school. I didn't edit them and posted them as they were. To be honest, I cringe at them myself. But trust me, it gets better with the succeeding chapters. The story might appear to be dragging somewhere in the middle, but after I finish it, I hope I won't have to explain why I had to drag it to that point. But please do continue if you have started it once and came down this far to hear me ramble incessantly because I'll love that.

 And also for a little heads-up, I am quite the lazy-ass in the context of updating. Hit me up if you feel like you'd want to know more because I tend to dissapear a lot into hibernation modes for long.

Loads of love,
~ Phoenix


Daffodils Nursing Home
Late Afternoon

"I'm sorry Sanyukta. We can barely cure him like this. He has lost all his hopes. In such a critical situation, if the patient loses his interest to live, we can't do much to save him." The doctor patted Sanyukta's shoulder and let those hopeless words escape from his mouth.

"But Sharma Uncle isn't there any other option? Please. We have to keep trying." Sanyukta pleaded the doctor to save his life who had  risked getting himself killed to save her, just a few hours before all hell broke loose for her.

"We are trying our best but his body isn't responding to any of our
treatments. We have operated on his bruises and he's still under anesthesia. But the physical wounds in his body can only be cured until and unless he is mentally accepting our tries.  Otherwise I'm afraid, we can't do much." The doctor replied morosely and walked out of the cabin.

Sanyukta wiped out the sweat beads from her forehead with shaky hands and sat still in her office, thinking about the sudden havoc in her life.

The person lying there in the ICCU had endangered his own life to save hers. How could she possibly let him die knowing well that it would have been her in that state had he not intervened in the right moment?

The saddest part among everything was that she didn't even get to know his name. He was a stranger to her. She was a stranger to him. The incident happened in such a rapid speed that she couldn't even catch a glimpse of his conscious being.

An unconscious handsome face drenched in fresh blood was the
only thing Sanyukta noticed after he had pushed her from the way and the truck slammed him away for at least a ten foot distance. She would have been in his place if he didn't push her away. His well-toned body draped in a thick layer of blood still haunted her memory and made her shiver in fear. Dressed in a three piece Armani suit, he looked no less than a well-to-do gentleman or a guy from a wealthy and renowned descent. Judging anyone by their appearance may have been a bad trait but it wasn't a crime right?

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