The Morning After

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Sanyukta's sleep thinned with the constant buzzing of the alarm clock. She fluttered her eyes open and yawned a bit. Last night's occurrences filled her mind and she jolted her head up. To her surprise, she was lying under the unevenly spread black duvet on Randhir's bed, alone. He was nowhere to be sighted. Her eyes wandered all over the room to get a glimpse of him but she couldn't. The washroom door was a bit ajar indicating that he wasn't in there as well. She sighed and sat upright on the bed. The night before, she had acquired too much knowledge about him to even process anything. She felt someone hammering her head from inside. When a sudden realisation hit upon her and her lips curved up in the corners. She had tasted the rawest feeling of human relationships last night. She had realised her love for him. She felt like the happiest person alive on the earth! The mysterious yet devilishly handsome and unbelievably cute stranger staying in her house since past few months who happened to be her life saver had unveiled himself to her last night. The thought of him enduring so much pain ever since he was born though filled her heart with sorrow. She never thought that the rich and successful people who pose to be a commoner's idol could have such grave and nasty secrets encapsulated within their mighty mansions. Bloody multiple-faced losers! She scowled and rubbed her forehead as she felt anger erupt through her veins.
She had to make him realize that he was at no fault there. The boy was being tortured mentally by his family members to such a extent that he had to force himself for hiding from them. Family, she would have left that family long behind if she had to live Randhir's life. Then her mind poked out that he did the same. She couldn't understand why he still loved that brother of his who had done nothing better to him. He had forced him to an exile where he could never see his family again. Let alone family, not even his own mother. A child is not at fault for being born. It was his father's weakness for which he had to suffer all his life. She shivered while imagining the life his mother was leading while being cooped up in that hellhole, without any identity, without any respect. She had never met those people in person but she had already started hating them to the core. A sense of loath and disgust filled her heart whenever she pictured Randhir being thrown out of his own house. Though he wasn't actually thrown out. He was exiled to Canada and that's when it hit her that he hadn't completed his story. She couldn't even get a clue for which she had asked him to reveal his past to her. The date-rape drug issue! She sighed while knotting her dishevelled hairs into a messy bun.

She walked out of his room to check on Aryan and Sanaya. They must have had returned by then. A delicious aroma hit her nose when she was walking towards their room and she looked down the railing to see Sanaya smirking at her from downstairs. They were already seated on the dining table and were feasting on their breakfast, which the aroma interpreted to be pancakes. Sanyukta smiled a little as her gaze fell on Randhir who was working on the pan, preparing some mouth watering perfect sunday breakfast. She felt her anger wash away as she kept watching his serene face.He looked fresh in his white body hugging tee shirt and black track pants. He was laughing at something Aryan had said when his gaze fell on Sanyukta who was descending the stairs while keeping her gaze fixed on him.

"Uhm.. Sorry guys I slept late.." She stood beside them and gave them an apologetic smile. They were her guests and she was the hostess. She had been behaving extremely irresponsible towards her duty of being a good hostess. Sanyukta alwaya believed that she was a good hostess, not excellent, but good enough to make  her visitors to visit again. But then she never had many guests to entertain anyway. The thought used to make Sanyukta sigh in sadness. Sanaya was still smirking at her as if she had done something she wasn't supposed to do. She looked away from her.

"Ah.. You don't really have to apologize Sanyukta.. Why you being so formal with us? If you are a great host then this gentleman is next best to you.." Aryan winked at Randhir  while gobbling a syrupy piece of pan cake.

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