Initials {2}

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Eli grinned and he and the other boy walked right on over to us with cocky swags. “Hello Quinn. Mind introducing us to your new friend?” he asked. Quinn glared. “Look Eli, we don’t want trouble.”

He smirked. “So introduce me.” She looked furious but unsure at the same time. “Just let us get to class Eli,” she said at last. “Please.”

He laughed. “You’re pathetic.” He turned to me and stuck out his hand. I nervously shook it. “Eli O’Dell.” “Sam Donovan.” He nodded at the kid next to him. “And that’s Davey.” I gave him an awkward smile. His hair was covering his eyes but I had a feeling he had raised his eyebrow.

“Look bitch, I don’t like em shy,” he said in an annoyed tone. I was very sensitive, so that naturally hurt my feelings. A lot.

“Shut up Davey!” Quinn said, her face bright red in anger. “Oh my god! You need help!” He snorted. “You’re the bitch who’s going to explode because I insulted your lesbian toy. And I need help?”

It looked like Quinn was going to explode any second now. “Davey, calm your boner,” Eli said in amusement. Huh? Davey didn’t have a bo-

Not that I was looking.

Eli turned back to me. “Terribly sorry about him. He’s on his PMS.” I let out a slight giggle and shyly let my hair cover my face. Eli pushed it back. “Why are you covering your pretty face?” he asked in confusion.

I felt myself blushing a deep red. A small smile took Eli’s face. “Cute,” he said. “Alright Eli, get away from her. We’re leaving,” Quinn said and grabbed my arm. “I’m trying to be nice!” he said with a frown. “Trying to get in the new girl’s pants is not exactly nice.”

He smirked.

Oh crap. I felt embarrassed as Quinn dragged me away. “Look, ignore them okay? They’re not good people. Eli does that to every girl. And Davey only goes after sluts. So if he insults you, that’s a good thing.”

I sighed and she dragged me to my first period class.


I got in the car with Mickey after school and he began to drive home. “How was the first day?” he asked. I sighed sadly. “Stupid people,” I said. Eli and Davey were in 3 of my classes plus my lunch. They hadn’t talked to me, but Eli kept shooting flirty looks at me.

“Do I need to kick ass?” he asked, an angry look rising in his eyes. “No, no, no!” I said quickly, offering him a smile. He relaxed slightly. “How was your day?” I asked, just to distract him.

It worked as he grinned. “Well, Michael is really cool. He’s coming over in a little. He said he just had to check in with the main office quick. And he introduced me to this mad hot girl named Lindsey. Hot damn!”

I laughed, happy for Mickey. We got home and went inside together. “How was school?” mom demanded in excitement. I rolled my eyes. “Fine mom,” I said. “What happened? Sam? Mickey?” Mickey rolled his eyes. “My new friend Michael is coming over in a few minutes. Don’t be weird.”

Mom little out an excited squeak. “Ohmigosh! My baby boy made a friend!” He slapped her hand away as she went to pinch his cheeks. “Mom!” he whined, getting angry.

“Sammy-kins! How was your day? Friends? Boys?” I rolled my eyes. “I spent the day with a really nice girl named Quinn. Um…I met some of her friends. And I met 3 guys. Two were jerks and one was…cute.” I blushed.

Mom got excited again and was about to ask me something when the doorbell rang. “That’s Michael. Mom, don’t be annoying or weird. Sammy, come hang with us.” I bit my lip. “I don’t want to bother you Mickey.” He laughed. “Come chill with us,” he said, grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

I sighed. He opened the door to reveal Michael. He was pretty cute. Actually, he was really cute. “Hey Mickey,” he said with the “sup” nod. “Sup Michael. This is my little sister Sam. She’s going to hang with us.”

Michael stuck his hand out and offered me a smile. “Hey Sam.” I shook it nervously and looked down. “Hi,” I mumbled shyly. He chuckled.

We walked towards the kitchen. “Hello!” mom chirped, jumping at Michael. “Mom!” Mickey snapped angrily. Michael was laughing. “My mom’s the same way,” he said as he shook mom’s hand.

“I’m Michael. Michael Taylor. Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” Mom waggled her eyebrows at poor Mickey who looked like he wanted to shoot himself. Or maybe he wanted to shoot mom.

Either way.

We went upstairs and played Black Ops for awhile. Mickey eventually got up to use the bathroom. “You’re good at video games,” Michael commented. “Thanks,” I said, blushing.

He chuckled. “Um…Michael?” “Yea Sam?” I took a deep breath. “Do you…do you know Eli O’Dell?” He nodded. “Yea, of course. Everyone knows Eli. Why?” I blushed deeper. “I just…he just came off as nice. But someone told me he was mean.”

Michael glared. “Eli O’Dell is a bastard. Stay away from his dumb ass. Bradley Davis is 20 times the man Eli will ever be. He’s someone you should be friends with.”

I nodded slowly as my brother came back. “Thanks,” I said. He nodded and we went back to playing Black Ops. 

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