Initials {20}

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***Eli’s POV***

My hair is perfection that takes me a long time to do. So of course, I deeply despised the effects that wild sex had on my hair. I got out of Kitty’s bed quietly as she slept and pulled on my jeans. I went over to her mirror and sighed in frustration at my hair.

I tried to fix it with my hands but it epically failed. I sighed again and walked over to grab my shirt. “Where are you going Eli?” Kitty asked, slowly sitting up. I tossed her shirt at her. “Home,” I replied as I pulled my shirt on.

She got up and put her clothes on. She walked over and pressed me up against the wall. “That was a fun night,” she whispered seductively. I mentally sighed. She was such a slut. Davey was the one who enjoyed sluts. According to him, it was more fun than an inexperienced bitch.

Sluts like Kitty just annoyed me. I shoved her off me. “I’ve had better,” I said flatly as I went towards the door. She grabbed my arm angrily. “The hell Eli? What’s gotten into you? You were the one who wanted this!”

Her eyes widened and I rolled mine. “You used me!” she exploded and slapped me. “Yes. Yes I did,” I said, nodding my head. She slapped me again and I yawned.

I had had so much worse from my dad. Little girly slaps weren’t going to do shit to me. Kitty glared in pure hatred. “You’re going to regret fucking with me Eli,” she growled dangerously. I raised an eyebrow. “You think I haven’t heard that before?”

Bored and annoyed with her, I left the room. She stood in the doorway. “You just watch. I’ll make sure you regret using me!”

I slammed the door in her face and left her house.

I went back to my house and made sure dad wasn’t home before going into the bathroom. I teased and straightened my hair before going out of the house.

I made my way to Davey’s and knocked on the door. “Eli!” his mom said with a bright smile. She let me in and we went into the kitchen. “Davey’s not here right now. He was hanging out with Chance, last I knew. You know Eli, you really shouldn’t be sleeping with sluts. STDs and all that.”

When she wasn’t looking, I rolled my eyes. Typical Davey. He was such a momma’s boy. Most people wouldn’t believe me if I told them that, though. But if you really watched Davey, especially around his mom, you could tell.

Davey never told his mom no. If she told him to do something, he did it. Davey told her everything. Almost every secret he had, she knew.

Except the cutting.

She didn’t know about his cutting.

I knew about Davey’s cutting and he knew about mine. Losing his dad had driven a deep depression into him. He tried to cut it out. He refused to tell his mom. He didn’t want to scare her.

“Would you like some lunch Eli?” his mom asked with a sweet smile. “No thank you. I should probably get home. Don’t want to freak my dad out,” I said and got up. “Alright then honey. I’ll have Davey call you when he gets home.”

“Thank you,” I said with a smile before leaving the house. I walked back to my house and sat down in my room. A wave of depression suddenly crashed over me. Why the hell had I slept with Kitty? I was regretting it so much right now. I shouldn’t have done that. Sleeping with sluts…that was Davey’s thing, not mine.

Angrily, I pulled out my knife. I set it carefully on my wrist and pressed it into my skin before quickly dragging it across. Ii grinded my teeth against the pain as a line of blood appeared and began to slowly drip down my arm. I did it again. The blood from the new cut mingled with the blood from the other cut and drops quietly hugged themselves to the floor.

I felt angry and sad. Memories and thoughts consumed me. Why did my mom have to die? Why did Sam kiss Brad after I had kissed her? Why did my dad hate me?

The pain and anger consumed me. I felt control slipping away as I continued to drag the blade roughly across my wrists. I was numb to the pain now. It wasn’t working anymore. Why wasn’t it working? I needed it to work now more than ever.

“You dumbass!”

Davey stood in my doorway.

He hurried over to me and knocked the blade out of my hand. I looked down at my wrists. Both were bloody messes. Davey glared before leaving the room. He came back a minute later with towels. He wrapped them around my wrists before dragging me to the bathroom.

Davey carefully wrapped my wrists after wiping the blood away. “What the hell man?” he asked at last as we began to fall into silence. I shook my head slowly. “I lost control. I went numb. I wanted to hurt,” I said quietly.

Davey rolled his eyes and shook his head. I sighed. “Davey, do you think that Sam likes me?” I asked him. I knew Davey despised emotions with severe intensity. He only ever seemed to display boredom, anger, and hate. Never love. Did Davey love? Yea. He loved his parents. Did he ever show it? No. You had to really, really know him to recognize it.

He ran a hand through his hair. “Funny story about that,” he said. I looked up at him curiously, shocked that he wasn’t bitching about how much he hated emotions. He opened his mouth.

And as he explained, I felt my heart sinking.

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