Initials {29}

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                “Eli, what will it take? Therapy? Antidepressants? I’ll do anything to see you happy again,” dad said desperately. My aunt, my mom’s sister, was sitting and watching, concern in her eyes as I sat with them.

                “I’m fine,” I lied quietly. “Eli, honey, we just want to help you,” my aunt said gently. “We want to see you happy again.” Ha. Like I’d ever truly been happy since my mom died? I’d gone through a similar depression when that happened. My dad had told everyone I refused to talk to a therapist.

                I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. “I’m fi-” My cell vibrated and I squeezed my eyes shut as I answered it. I did this every time it rang, praying it was Davey’s mom.

                This time, it really was her.

                “He’s awake Eli,” she sobbed happily. “My baby is awake. He asked for you.” I felt myself smiling for the first time in 3 months. “Really? I’ll be right there!” I managed to say. My emotions were choking me. I had waited 3 months for this. 3 long, agonizing months for my best friend to come out of his coma.

                “Dad, I need to get to the hospital. He’s awake,” I whispered happily. My aunt jumped up and hugged me tightly. “I’m so happy for you Eli,” she whispered sincerely. She kissed my forehead. “I’ll take him. I have to get home and feed my kids,” she said.

                We got in her car and she drove me to the hospital. “Do you want me to go in with you Eli?” she asked. I shook my head, wanting to sprint inside already. “No, it’s alright. Thank you so much.” She smiled and waved before driving away. I hurried inside and got Davey’s room number. I went up there and froze outside the door.

I had seen Davey. I had sat with him while he was in the coma. Talked to him while he was in the coma. But seeing him awake with his scraped up face would be different than seeing him unconscious. I didn’t know what it would be like now.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Davey’s mom was stroking his hair, happy tears rolling down her cheeks. Davey looked up at me with his pale, scarred face. He had cut his face up when he landed after being hit.

A small smile appeared on my face. “Hey,” I said casually. He rolled his eyes. “You’re so fucking lame,” he said, shaking his head. Mrs. Caroli couldn’t look any happier. “I’ll leave you with Eli now. I love you so much David.” She kissed his cheek and smiled at him before getting up and leaving the room.

I sat down next to him. “How are you feeling?” “Oh just fucking dandy. It’s not like I got hit by a speeding car and knocked into a coma for 3 months or anything.”

I was happy beyond words to hear his cold hearted sarcasm.

“How long ago did you wake up?” “About an hour ago.” I nodded and sighed. He gave me a curious look. “What?” he asked. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. “I, uh, well…never mind. You just woke up. Forget it.”

He shook his head. “Oh hell no. Tell me.” I rolled my eyes and explained everything with Sam, watching the irritation in his eyes grow more with each word. “Obviously she doesn’t want you Eli. Just forget about her. And quit whining to me!” “You wanted to know!”

We were glaring at each other when Mrs. Caroli entered the room. She smiled at us and came over. She took a seat next to me. Davey shifted to sit up. He winced and gasped out in pain. “Davey! Don’t move!” his mom cried frantically.

He slowly sank back down, his eyes squeezed shut. “Shit,” he hissed. I could see the pain and concern in Mrs. Caroli’s eyes and I felt a familiar flash of jealousy. I got that a lot. Whenever I saw someone’s mom so concerned over them. It was childish, but I couldn’t help it.

“David, you have to be more careful,” his mom said sternly. “I don’t want you getting hurt.” He rolled his eyes and coughed a few times. “I need water,” he said. His mom jumped up and hurried to get Davey some water.

“When is your ass back in school?” Davey shrugged and winced again. His mom gave him “the look” and he turned his head to face me. “Not sure. They think I did something bad to my back. I need to have tests done.”

I paused. “So you might not be able to fight anymore?” I asked with a frown. He barked a laugh. “Of course I’ll still fight, you idiot,” he snapped. “David Ian! You will not fight if you’re hurt! I’m not risking it!” his mom said angrily.

He rolled his eyes but didn’t argue with his mom. I nearly laughed. Davey Caroli, a true momma’s boy. She smiled at him lovingly and went back to stroking his hair. I could see the comfort it brought Davey. No matter how tough he was, he could still be hurt and frightened. The terror before the car had hit him had been there.

I was positive that even now, Davey was scared to slip back into a coma. He was scared to lose control of himself like that. Scared to be hurt like that again. I could see it in his eyes. Physically, he was healing. Mentally, he was terribly scarred. I had seen it when his dad had gone to prison.

But now I had my best friend back. I felt on top of the world. I felt like I could do anything, even get Sam back. 

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