Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Severus Snape felt a little apprehensive as he snapped out the password ("Chocolate frog!") to the stone gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's rooms. In a cold sort of way he was unhappy at the headmaster's obvious disappointment in his behaviour. But that blasted woman…could she be more aggravating? So pious and so damned perfect, never a toe out of line – until now. Despite himself Snape smirked. It was almost worth it. But not quite.

Dumbledore was seated behind his desk, but he rose politely as Snape entered and shooed the potions master into a comfortable chair.

"Minerva hasn't arrived yet," Dumbledore explained, and Snape smiled to himself again – one nil to him!

"I am sure she will join us shortly. While we wait…would you like some tea?"

"No thank you."

"Coffee?" Snape shook his head. This was something of a ritual between the headmaster and himself, had been since his first days of teaching at Hogwarts.

"Hot chocolate?"


"Cold drink? Light snack?" Dumbledore never tired of the game.

"Thank you, I'd rather not."

"Well then. To business."

"What about McGonagall?"

"The matter is hardly top secret." Dumbledore replied dryly. In the short space of time between yesterday's rows and the present, the entire school had heard, and thoroughly exaggerated, everything…some of the most bizarre and disturbing versions of events included McGonagall slapping Snape, turning him into a bat, and revealing she was his mother (popular among the Gryffindors), and Snape booting McGonagall, while in cat form, around the school, attacking her with her own broomstick, and (the most realistic of all) having been poisoning her for the last ten years. These last were favoured of course by the Slytherins. In fact Snape had received a congratulatory message from Lucius Malfoy by last owl the previous night ("That's right, Severus, don't let those Muggle-loving Gryffindors beat you down"). Now, however, Snape rather wished the whole affair had been brushed under the carpet. He had never seen Dumbledore quite so annoyed with him.

"So what is it you…" before Snape could finish, a knock came at the door – McGonagall had arrived at last. She glared at Snape.

"I see you're early, Severus. Never backward in coming forward, eh?" Snape scowled at her, trying to unravel the insult.

"At least I had the courtesy to be punctual." He replied acidly.

"That's quite enough," interrupted Dumbledore firmly. "Please be seated, Minerva. Thank you. Now…as you must understand, I cannot let this affair be simply ignored. This…rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin goes back many centuries, and I am not one to meddle with tradition, but you must admit, both of you, that there are limits. Competition can be most facilitating to the gathering of knowledge; however, I have always favoured co-operation, team spirit, mutual helping." Snape groaned inwardly. He hated it when Dumbledore preached. McGonagall didn't exactly look enthused, either.

"It is for this reason," the headmaster went on, steepling his long fingers, "that I have decided the most appropriate reparation for your inappropriate behaviour is to encourage co-operation between Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"No!" Snape almost leaped out of the chair as he realised in advance the headmaster's intention.

"It's been tried before." Said McGonagall, in a strained voice. "On the most recent occasion, years ago now, the headmistress forced the heads of all four houses to engage in a teamwork task on a remote island in the Hebrides. They were never seen again."

"Many such attempts have been reported over the years," growled Snape. "They have invariably resulted in violence and bloodshed."

"Nevertheless," Dumbledore replied sternly, "I expect better from both of you. We are living in difficult times. It is more important than ever that we all work together to vanquish our common enemy." Snape swallowed and looked away. McGonagall stared at the floor.

"It won't happen again, Albus." She croaked after a moment. "Professor Snape and I will behave more appropriately in future. But please, don't send us on a teamwork task." Snape nodded vigorously in agreement Dumbledore sighed.

"I had hoped for a little more enthusiasm…be that as it may, my mind is made up. But you will not be alone." There was a definite twinkle in his eyes now. "You may each select one student from your respective houses to accompany you on the task, in order to promote co-operation between pupils as well as teachers. You should select whichever students you believe to be most representative of your house, and who would most benefit from the experience." The choice, of course, was obvious – Dumbledore knew that, and Snape and McGonagall both recognised it. This was Dumbledore's cunning way of killing two birds with one stone. McGonagall heaved a deep sigh.

"Very well," She said. "If you are resolute on this matter, Albus…"

"I am." Replied Dumbledore, cheerfully. "Severus?"

"As you wish," Snape said stiffly.

"Excellent! Now I would ask you both, which students will you take? I must add that they are under no obligation to accompany you…although I'm sure you can find appropriate incentives." The teachers were hardly listening. Snape was staring at McGonagall, his lip caught between his teeth, as though daring her to speak the name. Meeting his eyes unflinchingly she rose to the challenge.

"Harry Potter!" Oh, dear God.

"And who will you take, Severus?" smiled Dumbledore. Glaring at McGonagall, Snape announced,


"Agreed. You should contact Harry and Draco and ask them to prepare to leave tomorrow morning. You have until then to assemble any equipment you may require."

"But headmaster," put in Snape, "you haven't said where it is we are being sent."

"Did I not?" Dumbledore sounded surprised, "How absent-minded of me. Not very far – not far at all, in fact. You will be spending a week in the Forbidden Forest."

"WHAT!" In perfect harmony.

"Without wands!" finished Dumbledore, happily.


"But that's…"

"Are you trying to kill us all?"

"How can we possibly…"

"You will find a way." The headmaster comforted, "Using teamwork."

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