The Signs and their Cuteness Factors

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Aries: You have such passion, and you put your all into everything you do, even if it's the smallest task.

Taurus: You are headstrong and steadfast in what you believe in, and won't budge for anything or anyone, but will argue it fiercely.

Gemini: You have a variety of knowledge about this and that, and you are keen to learn interesting new things, often taking on new interests all the time.

Cancer: You have so much love in your heart for everyone, and you care about everyone, even if it's just a stranger in the street, you care.

Leo: If you love something, you love it hard, and with all of your heart and soul, you would give your all for what you love.

Virgo: You also have a love for knowledge, and a heart full of wonder. You are so interesting to talk to, and have such a unique personality, always able to make someone smile.

Libra: You are so friendly and kind, you care so much about others, and are really selfless. You have such a unique personalities.

Scorpio: You are so ambitious, you know what you want, and you stop at nothing to get where you want to go, and you love so deeply.

Sagittarius: You have a great love of adventure, and you aren't afraid to try new things. You are always laughing, and you have the carefree, happy, adorable spirit of a kid.

Capricorn: You are so helpful and patient, with everyone, and you are really good with kids, you are independent, and know what you're doing.

Aquarius: You are so open-minded and fun-loving, and smile all the time. You like a challenge and an adventure, with a free spirit and a love of everything.

Pisces: You are so creative and imaginative, always living in your own world, and you have so much excitement with every little thing you do.

This was a little different than what I normally post, but hopefully it was cool!

<3 Lily

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