The Signs and Why They Would Skip School

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Aries: Cuz skool sux

Taurus: Needs sleep N food

Gemini: "There's a video game release today, and if I'm not first in line, I won't be able to get it. Come on, Mom, you have to let me go."

Cancer: Cause they are tired and 110% done and need a fucking day

Leo: Rly need to catch up on all their fucking homework

Virgo: Skips to go to a concert

Libra: sssshhhhhhhHHHHOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIINGG or just to hang with friends

Scorpio: Because fuck school (and they need to have a day to just snuggle in a blanket but don't tell anyone that).

Sagittarius: To go on an ADVENTURE all the way to the fridge and Netflix

Capricorn: Eh, they can make it up later anyways, they have to go find mountains to climb.. salt deposits.. (get it, they're goats? Ok I'll let myself out)

Aquarius: There were alien sightings nearby.

Pisces: Fish.

I'm Sagittarius, and yes. Exactly. Found on Tumblr.

<3 Lily

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