When the Wild child meets the bad boy

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This is a new story I'm currently thing about writing. I don't know if it's any good or worth pursuing...

So tell me if you think I should continue it or not.

Picture on the side is Nina!



I have no bullshit excuse for why I am the way I am; like my parents didn't love me enough or some guy screwed me over. Neither of those were true. I've been this way since anybody can remember; that untamable out of control child that always does what she wants. Of course my parents have tried to calm my antics over the years; one catholic school, two private schools, and even boot camp... unfortunately for them I got kicked out of every single one. So now here I am attending a public high school, my parents were at their wits end and frankly out of options.

"Nina Atwood, here's your new schedule for the year!" The plump guidance counselor said handing me a sheet of paper. "Oh and Ms. Atwood please stay out of trouble. After all we are the only school in the area willing to take you in." I shrugged at her comment and exited the office to find my first class.

English with Mr. Goodman, room A106 

I found the room after only two minutes of roaming the halls. The first bell had yet to ring, but seeming that I have no friends in this school yet, I just headed to my first period. Upon entering the room the teacher looked up from the white board.

"You must be Nina Atwood, I read your file your grades were fairly impressive; however I will have none of your antics during my class." He said only that before turning back to the white board.

I picked a desk in the far left corner, the one nearest the window. At 7:45 on the dot the bell rang signaling my first day in this hell hole. Quickly students filled in the seats, a few gave me odd looks while others brushed off my presence. After a speedy introduction from Mr. Goodman the class began. The class was reading a Tale of Two Cities. Goodman was so focused on explaining the book he didn't notice and group of three boys walk in late.

A pair of black vans attached to a pair of long legs stopped in front of my desk. Looking up at the tall figure I realized it was one of the boys who walked in late. The boy cleared his throat before speaking in a smug tone that matched his face.

"That's my seat, move." He said motioning for me to get lost

"Really!" I gasped with fake shock before my face too fell in to a smug expression "I didn't see your name written on it." 

Suddenly his hand pointed to some graffiti on the desk which did in fact say a name, Brent. 

"Actually, my name is on it." He grunted thinking he had won. Fishing out a black sharpie from my bag I put a huge x over the name Brent and wrote in big capital letters, NINA. Giving him a smirk I looked up into his gray-blue eyes.

"Well, look at that, now it says my name...besides it seems like you hardly use this desk so there's no harm in me taking it." I said sending him a fake smile

"Mr. Warren stop distracting others and take a seat." Goodman snapped at the already agitated guy

He rolled his eyes at Goodman before settling into the seat in front of me. He mumbled something along the lines of 'dumb bitch' before I "accidently" kicked his desk with my foot. I sent him a sweet apology has he turned and glared.

Nina- 2

Brent- 0

Thirty agonizing minutes of torcher later the bell rang. Gathering my things and stuffing them back into my bag, while three pairs of eye staring holes in the side of my head. I got up from my seat only to be blocked by none other than Brent Warren.

"Listen bitch---"

"I'm only gonna say this once, you and your little badass wanta be friends, stay out of my way. I'd really like to finish senior year without having to transfer again. So you go about your business and let me have whatever desk or thing that I want and I promise that you and I will never have to butt heads." Stepping forward I patted his chest in a dismissive manor "Now hurry off to class, we don't want to be late again, do we?"

"You've got some balls bitch-" one of the nameless boys began

"Bitch? Really? How original of you. Also you must have failed health class so let me clear something up for you; I'm a girl, girls have vaginas not balls. But if you wanna bang chicks with balls that's fine by me, I don't judge." I replied with a smirk

"Bye boys!" I called slipping past the barricade that was Brent Warren

I started down the hall to my next class, calculus, sincerely hoping that none of those asswipes would be in that class. I mean math is already annoying enough, add in three idiots and I might go berserk.

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