Trouble is my middle name. Jk it's actually Josephine

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HOLLY CHEESE BALLS!! 70 comments and 157 votes


What's the worst I could do?? Write a chapter that screws it all up...


As always ( if you've read To.Get.Her Again) if you don't like this chapter I will rewrite it! Sorry it's so short wattpad makes it seem like I did no work but i really wrote 4 pages on word....Damn you wattpad...

**Picture to the side is Brent Warren**

Remember guys this takes hours to write, minutes to read, seconds to comment and milliseconds to vote :D

~alliecat118 out


I've been in this sad excuse for an educational institute for less than three hours and here's what has happened so far. I've met Brent Warren, the local bad ass, and his little band of boys, needless to say I was not impressed. I also learned that Brent Warren has a twin; thank God for small favors, he has a fraternal twin and not an identical one. Her name is Bethany and surprisingly she's easy to get along with, despite the DNA she shares with Brent. As for the last thing, well that's what has landed me here...the dean's office. Here's a replay of what went down.

I stared at the slightly balding instructor before me, who was currently solving a math equation on the board. When he got to the solution I tried to hold in my laughter, I really did. However as he was explaining the problem and going over the steps I just couldn't hold it anymore. I laughed, not in a psychotic way but just a small fit of chuckles.

"Ms. Atwood, why don't you share what you find so funny." The middle age man glared in my direction

"Fine, but you asked for it." I replied making my way over to the white board "You're wrong." I stated snatching the dry erase marker from his hand. I quickly corrected the equation before giving him a smile. Boy was he red in the face. What I said next probably didn't help my case.

"What is that saying again...?" I said racking my brain for the right phrase. "Ahh, that's right! Those who can't do...teach."

"Ms. Atwood why are you even in this class?" He asked

"Because AP Calculus is the highest math this school offers... Besides I like to conserve my brain power to ponder more pressing matters like; global warming, how to stop human trafficking, how to end world hunger, and why in the world can't the Cubs win one freakin' game!" I ranted

"Ms. Atwood insubordination will not be tolerated in my class room." I swear the vein in his fore head was about to burst. "Go to the dean's office."

I know what you're thinking; getting sent to the dean's office on her first day, her parents must be so proud. Well for your information they are! I might not respect authority but I'm a straight A student, that's got to count for something.

Long story, short I ended up getting a warning.


Lunch, the most pivotal part of high school, it's all about who you sit with. Private, public, doesn't matter; when it comes to cliques it's all the same. Lucky for me I know exactly where to sit and who to sit with. Okay, it was partiality to annoy the crap out of them. We made eye contact across the room and I sent him a sexy smile.

Brent Warren and his band of boys, this is going to be fun.

"Why do you look so grumpy?" I questioned Brent as I slid beside him on the bench

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