Drabbels for new story

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I was having a conversation with a friend about my ideas for this new story. I thought I'd share the little this that I came up with you!

So basically the girl, Atlas gets a new phone. That night she gets a call from a familiar guy. The phone number used to belong to his brother who died two months previously. They continue this relationship through phone calls until the eventually meet. They both are trying to help one another work though their problems. Here comes the clique part they fall in love, but one of them think they're too fucked up for anyone to love


I have think little banter going on in my head where they're joking and she says "You should worship at the alter of me." And he replies "I already do, baby. I already do." Very quietly and this is the first time he's every called her baby and she ignores is because she not even sure she heard it right


I just seem to have the idea of through their phone relationship they come to know each other more than anyone else does.

I have this line stuck in my head

"Please, you don't know me." She laughs

"I know you better that anything else. The only thing I don't know is your name but I know exactly who you are." His voice suddenly serious

Currently writing the first chapter it should be out by Friday

When the Wild child meets the bad boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora