Chapter Three : Slighted Love

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Wolfram's PoV

It's been getting worse by each passing day so I decided to consult Gisela.

She was furious at me for not saying anything. She shouted at me for being reckless and all that. It was really scary, women are beasts I tell you.


'Knock knock'

"Who is it?" Gisela asked.

"It's me, Wolfram." I introduced.

"Come in." She said, and I did.

"So, did you finally decided that it's time you tell me what's wrong? Everyone is worried about you." She said.

"I suppose you could say that." I said nervously.

"Tell me everything." She ordered, as she felt something odd about me.

I told her everything and even showed the my journal.

"You-- you-- IDIOT!!" She shouted at me.

I paled as I realised that she's mad at me. No, wait. She's absolutely, downright furious at me.

"Don't you know how serious the situation is? You should have consulted me earlier! What were you thinking!?--"

She kept scolding me for a few more minutes. It felt like forever though.

End of Flashback

"-fram..Wolfram...Hey Wolfram! Are you ok?" Yuuri asked worriedly as he waved his hands in front on my face.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I said, feeling nauseous from the closeness. I could feel the flowers in my chest start to bloom or something of the sort.

"Are you sure? I've been calling you over and over earlier but you seemed dazed."

"I'm fine you cheating wimp. I was just thinking of how to punish you for cheating on me earlier." I said in a forced angry tone and glared at him.

"Cheated? When?" He asked.

" I saw you hugging that maid earlier on the hallway." I said a-matter-of-factly.

"I was just helping her, Wolf. Plus our engagement is an accident. I didn't know that slapping equaled proposal here." He explained and his explanation made a few more flowers bloom in my chest. A few more and I won't be able to hold it.

"But you still proposed and I'm still your fiancé! Am I not enough?" I asked, knowing I could only take a few moments before the flowers erupted.

"Wolf! This is wrong. We're both boys and you know that. I don't swing that way!" He said a bit loudly, clearly done with me.

I couldn't take it anymore. The flowers are too hard to resist. So as much as I want to argue back, I decided to let it slide.

"Whatever" I said as I went to my room as quickly as possible. I was getting dizzy and was starting to sweat heavily.

As I reached my bathroom I instantly erupted with flowers. The flowers kept coming out.

The flowers continued to come out until it overflowed in the sink.

I feel so weak. My whole body is trembling but the flowers won't stop.

It kept on going for an hour or less.

Afterwards I just sat down in the floor, exhausted. I observed the flowers and saw that it was the usual daffodils and hyacinth, but there was something new.

Yellow chrysanthemums

After a while of just sitting there surrounded with flowers. He stood up and called one of the guards to fetch Gisela for him.

Time skip

"This is getting serious Wolfram." Gisela said.

"I know."

"We need to get rid of the flowers." She said.

"We can't."

"Why not? It's the only way."

"I don't want to lose my love for him. He's too important to me Gisela." I said.

"I understand, but if it gets really serious then I'm taking the flowers out. For now just avoid Heika as much as you can ." She said.

"Ok" I gave my consent.


Flower meanings

Yellow Chrysanthemum : Slighted Love/ Love that's been cast aside

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