Hiding?! and Labor?!

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Tara's POV
I want your Baby,Miranda says. Um not thanks I'll just go hide somewhere now. I run up the stairs carefully and Hide in Daniels closet and I call Yammy.
*Phone call*
T:Yam is Tara Miranda Is trying to Kill me and My baby...
Y:WHAT let me call the police is it 911 down There???
T:Shh it's actually for Colleens video But I'm actually scared.
Y:Just stay quiet... And you'll be...
I hear the door open and I end the call I fumble Around silently Until I find the latch to the Closet Compartment Door and I slide in Locking it back. There's a window In there and I see Miranda Open the door and Search the closet Then she sees the glimmer of my phone Light up In front of The door. Oh I know your in there sweet Taraaaaaah Just oopen the door. L,she says and I see her camera shut off. Tara It's okay I'm not actually gonna harm your precious little baby,Colleen says. I step out and she hugs me. I scream in pain as I realize I'm in labor. Colleen rushes me down stairs carefully and She gets Joey and Daniel in her car As well as me and drives to the hospital.
In Labor**
It's a girl,the doctor says handing me my precious Colleen Emma Graceffa.
J-Joey I NEED JOEY NOW!!, I scream at a nurse and she scurries to get Joey. I breathe Out and sigh Looking at Colleen I'm so happy My baby girl Is in my arms and isn't In a vase or coffin.
Tara She's beautiful she has your hair and my eyes She's Just Beautiful,Joey says. Oh Baby girl....,Daniel says walking in. Let me hold precious Colleen Emma Dillion Graceffa.,Daniel says and Joey and I give him that She's never going to be around Ricky look.
Right Daniel Um Colleen is here Tara want us to get out so She can Hold her besties baby.,Joey says.
I nod yes and Joey kisses my cheek. When he leaves Daniel Kisses my other cheek as well and leaves. Leaving little Baby Colleen Emma In my arms. I look down at her and She smiles at me. I cry a little bit Of joy Because my little baby Smiled At me.
EVERYBODY DOWN THIS IS MY TIME WITH MY LITTLE GIRL,Ricky yells. Oh no no no Not today I didn't want to tell Him but I guess I have to.
RICKY GO AWAY I MISCARRIED OUT BABY TRIPPING UP THE STAIRS IN JOEYS HOUSE!!,I scream Sending Colleen and the nurses in. Colleen Get away from me,Ricky says Pushing her making her almost trip.
Oh that's It,I say handing my baby to the nurse. Joeys gonna kill you if your fixing to do what I think your gonna do,Colleen says. Well then he'll just have to hate me., I say Walking to Ricky. Ricky I'm sorry but this isn't your baby I love you But I'm just Tired of this Ricky THREE years With you Not doing anything but Dating every single Saturday. Moving in..., Having That night, marrying you, Loving you,Missing you,Miscarrying our baby,not talking to you,Having to Incinerate the clothes,not being able to Smell your cologne,not being able to see you.How do you think that makes me feel Ricky,I say! I-Im so sorry,Ricky says. I hug Him and He hugs me back Gently. Tara what's going on here?,Joey says. I realize I'm in a Dress with the back open and No underwear on so I step back and Sit on the bed. I was just Hug-,I say before Ricky interrupts me. I was Just hugging her because She Told me That she miscarried our baby,Ricky says and Joeys face turns cold. YOU didn't tell him That you miscarried and made him think This was His baby!!!,Joey Yells. J-Joey Leave Me alone I was going to do it just Not the way I was suppose to do it,I say. No Tara I think it's time You leave All of us alone and find someone else to Have a kid with because I'm not Gonna Have you Around for someone to knock you up again and Then Have you turn around and Not tell the other one You miscarried okay I'll pack your stuff When we get home bye,Joey says.
Don't wait for the world to be ready who says you can't explore,I sing and he turns around. The monsters in your head now stare them all down if they come back around you'll be alright,I sing again.
The darkness can be such a lonely place on your own ill be your compass so you'll never Feel alone,Joey and Colleen sings. Joey comes over and Lays beside me. D-Don't don't wait.,I say as he kisses me.
Colleen Jumps beside me and Ricky leaves Sending Daniel in singing my favorite song.
Daniel Preda Is my Best friend, Ricky Dillion Is my ex husband, Colleen is my best friend,Joey Is my Boyfriend, but they all relate to one thing....
My humanity They make me feel alive they make me feel this time A-Alive A-Alive..
When I'm in the dark They're there for me I'm always Here but they never see my flaws they see me For me and I'm always seen I'm always seen. So I feel A-Alive A-Alive Baby Alive,Daniel sings.
Daniel Your Hilarious,I say. He walks over to me and Hugs me. Awe is Daniel a little soft,Joey and Colleen Say. He gives them The Don't Look and they Quickly look down. Daniel Do you wanna Hold her?,I ask Before realizing Joey Hasn't gotten to see His baby yet.
Daniel Is it okay If I let Joey Hold her first I mean She is his,I say as the nurse Puts her in my arms.
I Look over to Joey Who smiles. Joey And His perfect teeth Wanna Hold your Princess?,I ask. Joey nearly Trips Trying to run To me.
I hand her to him and She Yawns Cuddling Him In his arms. He Mouths He's Finally got his perfect family and I mouth back I love you And he kisses me. The nurse Takes me to my room with Joey and Colleen and Daniel And a they put Baby Colleen In my room too And I fall asleep With Joey cuddling Me.

**Aye So this is interesting it was kinda a hard chapter I'm thinking maybe Just end it here but I can't Cause I'm planning A big 25 chapters!!!! Whoo hoo!! Okay Bye guyys-Rebekah 🔥

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