Chapter 1: Eve

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"What the hell, Eve! It was just a party!"

"Yeah, and I wasn't there! I'm meant to be your best friend!"

"Yes you are! Just because I went to one party without you doesn't mean you're not my best friend."

The voices surrounded my mind as I thought over my last petty argument with Eve. I looked up at the ceiling. This time was different.

"Well if that's what you want to be, then no going to parties without me."

Her voice lowered. Was this a threat?

She took a step towards me.

"And if that's what you want, then fine! I'm gone! I want to be able to breathe."

I grabbed my bag and made my way to her front door, when Eve grabbed my wrists and slammed me against the wall. Her face was red and grip was tough - I've never seen her so angry.

"What. Did. You. Say?"

I looked her dead in the eye, I was fed up of being pushed around by her.

"I'm leaving." I finished with a spit in her face. I'm sure I saw a flicker of fire behind her eyes before she lunged at my throat. She was choking me. I had no idea she had this in her.

I felt my consciousness slipping away, but I tried everything. I scratched and kicked at her but she had too much fuel firing her anger.

The black was closing in, but no. I wouldn't let her keep control of me, not anymore. This isn't how I'm going to go. I used the last bit of fight in me to kick her off me and run for the door.

I ran and ran all the way home, I hadn't even realised the hot tears streaming down my cheeks. When I got to my house I slammed the front door shut and collapsed on my bed gasping for air before passing out.


I guess that brings us to now. I open my eyes, but I don't want to move straight away, everything just seems like too much effort, so I just stay with my thoughts, reliving all that happened. It's not the first time we've argued, Eve is very possessive, but this was the most serious argument and too far gone to save. I sit up and as reality hits me, I feel a soaring pain through my neck and I have to blink back the tears. Sitting on the edge of my bed I look around. I don't want to talk to my mum about it just yet but I have to vent to someone. I grab my phone and drop a text to my boyfriend, Kyle. He's the one I usually go to when I've had a fight with Eve. I manage a slight smile to his quick response saying "Omw" even the little smiley he added makes me feel that bit better.

I go into the bathroom to clean myself up and I notice bruises and cuts around my neck. Damn, I must have really pushed her buttons. I have a quick wash, brush my teeth and change into clean clothes. In no time there's a knock and Kyle slowly peeks round my bedroom door. His eyes widen when he sees my neck.

"Merissa! Oh my god what happened?"

I flop back on my bed and pat beside me indicating for him to lay with me and he does. As I explain the long story, he listens carefully. I love that about him, he really cares. As I get to the violent part he silently takes my hand to reassure me. I adore the comfort of him stroking my hair and despite all that's happened I couldn't be happier.

I take a few days off school to let myself calm down and my bruises fade and not going to lie, going back seems scary. But I'll hit it head on. As I'm getting ready, I pick a cute outfit of a bohemian style top and red tartan pencil skirt and I put on a bit of makeup, it's always a good start to the day when you feel good in your skin. The thing I'm most worried about is seeing Eve, I just have no idea what's going to happen, but off to school I go. I'll keep my chin held high.

Kyle walks me to school, it feels good to have that comfort there. What lesson do I have first? Art. Oh good, a chance to relax and a lesson without Eve, although I know I'm going to have to face her in Media Studies later. I sit with Kyle in art, today we're doing self portraits. I always feel safer drawing myself because I don't have to be afraid that the other person won't like how they look. I take a slightly different point of view, with my face slightly turned away from the camera with a smile. I turn to see Kyle's exquisite portrait that reminds I'm a little envious of his style, but mostly proud.

I cope through Media Studies. I few evil stares are thrown towards me by Eve and she seems to have made some new friends to replace me - two blondes and a brunette, I think their names are Nikki, Rachel and... Coleen was it? I think it was Coleen that tried to trip me up when I walked to the front of the classroom to hand my work in, but I saw what she was trying and stepped over her foot with clarity, I looked over my shoulder at her and gave a bitter sweet smile - how sassy of me.

After school I go to get a hot chocolate with Kyle, but as I'm walking out of school a car pulls out in front of me, barely missing me, but Kyle pulls me back into his arms. The driver door swings open and a middle aged woman with diamond earrings, tanned skin and dyed blonde hair got out, raising an eyebrow at me. Her Gucci perfume was seriously overpowering, it made me want to gag.


It was Eve's mum. Kyle's grip got tighter, I'd probably cry if he wasn't there but he gives me confidence.

"Care to explain?" The woman looks down her nose at me. Ugh, I seriously hate it when people do that.

"Why don't you ask Eve?" I fold my arms and indicate with my eyes to the back of the car where I see Eve filing her nails with the three little pigs. (That's what I'm calling them now).

"She says you flipped on her a few days ago, why does my daughter deserve such a thing? She's done nothing wrong."

Kyle was starting to shake behind me.

"If you want to know what's wrong with your daughter then take her to a hospital, she has a few too many mental issues. Oh, and if you think your daughters so perfect, you can get yourself checked out while you're there. Thanks." Not going to lie, I was proud of that.

"If you dare say anything like that again, then trust me, it's not going to be me or Eve in that hospital." Her face got uncomfortably close to mine, but suddenly she got shoved back by Kyle, I felt his hand grasp my shoulder and pull my hair back, you could still see the marks that Eve had left. The sharp movements made my neck sting and brought tears to my eyes.

"You see that there? That was made by your daughter, she STRANGLED poor Marissa, all because of a shitty party. If that's not a reason to be mad, then I don't know what is, so sorry if Marissa doesn't want to be friends with someone that would do that, now go run along with your precious, prefect daughter, okay? Leave us be." Wow, I was quite taken aback, I never heard Kyle raise his voice a part from at video games. It was powerful, I see a flash of doubt in Eve's mums eyes.

"No, I don't believe it. It must be makeup or something, Eve wouldn't hurt a fly. You're framing her. I wouldn't want her to me friends with someone like you anyway." She hurried back to her car and Kyle put his arm round me and steered me away.

"I feel like we earnt that hot chocolate now" He said with a giggle and he looks down at me with a smile on his face. I reach up and give him a kiss.

"Thank you" and I meant it.

"It's fine, it's worth it. I won't let anyone treat you like that"

Looking back, I can see in the window screen of the car, Eve's mum is having a stern word with her and her friends. I wonder what about?

To stay away from me, most likely.

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