Chapter 3: A New Found Freedom

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We pulled up outside a painted blue house that looked like it was owned by a stereotypical happy nuclear family that didn't have a care in the world.

"Aefa's ex's house" Rose explained. Aefa gave a sly smile and rummaged around in the bag of supplies pulling out a basket of cookies. I raise an eyebrow questioningly

"Filled with laxatives." She smiles and jumps out the car sneaking her way up to the front door. She places a note on top saying "For Liam" signed with a heart and left the gift on the door step. As soon as she presses the doorbell she sprints to the car and jumps in, Rose ready at the wheel speeds off and we're going by the time Liam sleepily opens the door.

"How didn't you know his mum or dad wouldn't open the door? And what if he doesn't eat the cookies" To be honest I'm feeling a little uneasy and I have a lot of questions.

"Stop worrying your little cotton socks, his parents are out of town and he probably thinks it's from a girl that's obsessed with him, he's vain like that. We plan all these pranks out so there's no chance they can go wrong. The only thing that could is if we get caught, and hey, that adds a thrill!" Aefa explained.

"All these pranks? Are we doing more?"

"You bet, and guess who's the grand finale?"

"Eve?" I'm getting excited just thinking about getting my revenge on her.

"You bet!"

"Oooh look, she's getting into it now!" Rose teased from the driver's seat. I blush, I like this. I feel so invincible. The radio plays gently under the sounds of wind and the hum of the car. I lean over the door, looking out at the landscape with the wind flowing through my hair. I couldn't take the grin off my face, I've never felt so free. Feeling the halt, I look up to see where we've stopped.


"Little piggy number one." Yeah, I told them about my nickname for Eve's new squad. "We're at Coleen's place." Rose looks over to me, she holds up a tube of something. Hair removal cream. Oh wow, this is going to be fun. Rose and I quietly climb through Coleen's window. She gave me the cream, she's keeping watch and Aefa is in the car ready for a speedy get away. I lean over Coleen's sleeping face and squeeze the tube of cream over her eyebrows and I gently smooth it out to ensure it's completely covered. Done. Easy. We hop back out of the window and into the car to get to our next destination. Little pig number 2, aka Rachel, got self tanner in her shower gel bottle and little pig number 3, aka Nikki, got white henna ink in her moisturiser. Revenge is sweet.

So, last stop is Eve. When we pull up to her house we see that her boyfriend's car is parked outside. "Woop, something else to mess with!" Rose whispers excitedly.

We sit in the car, slightly out of view of the house. We're making a fake Facebook account called "Mandy Semour" (we took a name off a girl in Eve's boyfriends friends) and privated all the information so you couldn't tell it was a new account. Now, to send Eve a message.

"Hey there, slut! A little birdy tells me you've been sleeping with my boyfriend and I have the pleasure of telling you that he's just found out he has an STD!! He most likely got it from you as I have been given the all clear, so have fun with that, bitch."

Aefa and I move into place and hide behind a bush to the side of the house by her window. Lights turn on and you can hear distant yelling. Rose drives the car a bit more out of sight and pulls up her hood. As soon as Eve and her boyfriend leave through the front door yelling and having a real nasty argument at the end of the drive, this was our cue. We climbed up to her room and left her a few presents and Rose sneaks into the garage from the left open front door to do some decorating. Aefa laid out a Chinese take out box that was filled with fake dog waste with a knife and fork for a metaphorical message, I spray paint a middle finger onto her probably designer wallpaper. We climb back out and hide in the shadows and sneak back to the car, and we're off. Phew, the thrill is exhilarating and the adrenalin addicting. The three of us are holding our bellies with laughter and I even laugh so much that I'm crying. This isn't helped by when Rose shows me the picture of what she did to Eve's car. There was a quick cling film job around the middle, "bitch" spray painted on the front and decorative sprinkles of splattered eggs. Perfect.


We drive up to an abandoned barn quite far away. Time to reflect and chill. By the time we got there, it was already sunrise.

"Let's just stay here for today." Aefa proposed.

"Yeah" I agreed I could do with a rest.

I collapsed onto a hay bale and pulled out my phone to text Kyle.

"Not going to school today, but I'm coming to yours tonight okay? I'm out of town for the day but tell mum I'm fine and I'll be back later. Love U xxx"

I know I can count on him for a quick reply.

"Sure thing, babe. Have fun! Love U too! :) xxx"

I let my hand drop to my side and I stare at the ceiling. I still can't wipe this smile off my face. Honestly, I've never felt so free and in control. And that's what I want most about my life. I turn to see Rose and Aefa sat on their phones and just taking the time to rejuvenate and even in this unfamiliar place, I've never felt so safe and happy. As I think these happy thoughts, my eyes become heavy. It's been a long night and I let myself drift off to sleep.

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