Chapter 2: Rose and Aefa

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                Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Mmmmm, the best. Kyle got the same but without all the cream, he's not all for sweet things like I am. I wonder what things would be like without him. I take in his floppy brown hair, matching chocolate eyes and chiseled jaw. He has a pretty nerdy style about him and a lot of girls probably wouldn't like that kind of guy, but to me he's prefect. I can't help but smile as he gives a chuckle.

"You have cream all over your nose!" Kyle laughed and he gently wiped it off for me and I smile in return, but slight concern replaced his laughter.

"You okay? Thinking about what happened with Eve?"

"Kinda. More about you, though"

"Oh yeah?"


"So, What do you think about me?"

"I'm so lucky to have you, like what would I have if I didn't have you? Like seriously, thank you."

"You say like a lot."


"It's a good job that you like that I'm here though; you're going to be stuck with me for a long time if I have anything to do with it."

"I'm glad"

He takes my hand and we leave the empty mugs to head home. The winter nights had already hit although it's only six. I feel calm with only the orange glow of the street lamps and as we get to my house he gives me a goodbye kiss, before making his way to his own house across the street.

I head back up into my room and sit on my bed looking at the heart on my wall made up of Polaroid pictures, a lot of them are of me and Eve. I take them down and throw them away. It feels good to get rid of her from my life. Like when you have a joint that finally clicks after aching and releases all the tension. The hearts a little smaller than before, kind of like my life, but I don't mind.

My phone lights up from my bedside table and I see I have a message from ... Aefa? She's in my photography class but we don't talk much. The message said:

"Hi, Merissa. Rose saw Eve and her new squad giving you hassle as well as Eve's mum after school. We were so shocked when she almost hit you with the car! Anyway, to the point, we used to be friends with Eve back at the start of high school, so we know how she can be. If you ever want to hang out, you'll usually find us on the school roof."

They saw Eve's mum have a go at me? Oh god, how embarrassing. Not going to lie, I've always thought that Rose and Aefa were really cool, they'd never want to be friends little old Merissa. I wouldn't call myself too quiet or shy, but I never stood out enough to be one of them. I pick up my phone and reply:

"It's good to know I'm not the only that knows how she can be. And I think I'll take you up on your offer. Thanks, I appreciate it"

Maybe tomorrow will hold something new for me too. A lot is changing this week.


Up the next morning, same routine, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed... what should I wear today? I go with a red slightly cropped top and black skirt lined with lace with accents of red, I matched this with black translucent tights that have flower silhouettes crawling up the back, black strappy boots and leather jacket. I do my makeup and add a red bow in my hair to tone down the edginess. Just as I'm done getting read Kyle turns up to walk to school with me.

"So what you got first?" Kyle asks.

"Media Studies"

"Well good luck with that"

"I think I'll be alright, I got a message last night from Aefa  saying her and Rose saw everything that happened yesterday, but they're on my side. They used to be friends with her and know what she can be like"

"Well that will be alright then, at least I know someone will be looking out for you when I'm not there."

"What, you mean you don't sit outside the door of my every class I have without you to make sure I'm okay? Bad boyfriend." My voice was dripping in sarcasm.

Tick, tock, tick, tock. I'm sat in Media Studies and God, I'm hungry. But hey, lunch is next. Ms Grant is rambling on about identifying ideologies in a text, yeah, yeah I've heard it all before. 15 minutes until the end of the lesson so I do some doodling in the margins of my book. I always love it when my work looks scrapbook-like and personalised... my teachers, not so much. Once my page was fully decorated, the bell sounded. Perfect timing. As I'm walking out the classroom Rose jogs up to my side.

"Hey want to come up to the roof with Aefa and me of lunch? It'll be chill."

"Yeah sure" I give her a friendly smile and follow her lead.

She slips keys out of her pocket and open a door that shows the stairs leading to the roof.

"Are we even allowed up here?" I feel just a little unsettled.

"Technically, no. But the teachers turn a blind eye" Fair enough.

I never realised how pretty the roof of the school was. It's looks abandoned and desolate, but somehow serene and peaceful. Aefa was looking over the railing at the landscape when Rose and I joined her. The view is beautiful. The warm orange and reds of the trees warmed my heart.

We spent the hour talking about ourselves, getting to know each other and sharing experiences, as we get to the topic of Eve it's obvious that we have a shared dislike towards her. They tell me how she was so controlling to them too, and even pulled a knife out on Rose and that's when they bailed. I felt the most free I had in years.


I rolled over groggily in bed. What was that noise? I checked the time – dead on one in the morning. There was another bang, it was a stone hitting my window. I look out to see Rose and Aefa waving in an open-top car beckoning me down. I gestured to wait for a second and shoved on a cardigan and fluffy boots and make my way down to meet them.

"Hop in, we're on a mission." Rose pointed to the bag of supplies in the passenger seat.

"But I'm in my pyjamas..." I look down and wrapped the cardigan round me, I was only in a vest top and soft sport shorts.

"Who cares, we'll back back soon" she smiled. I hop in the back next to Aefa.

"What are we going to do?"

"You'll find out" Aefa smiled in reply to me. "We're going to have some fun!"

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