Chapter 5: Memories

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I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me that was slightly happy. That sounds horrible I know, but being mistreated by someone for so long, it feels a relief to know that they're not walking the same ground as you. But, I've never felt so many different emotions: confusion, relief, happiness, sadness, guilt, worry... just about everything. This was a huge shock.

"I really can't believe it" Aefa murmurs . Rose and Aefa have joined me in my silent, laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Meanwhile, Kyle is browsing Reddit on my computer.

"Who could have done it? I wonder aloud.

The only people I can really think of with a motive are us four, but I was with Rose and Aefa in the abandoned barn at her time of death and Kyle couldn't hurt a fly.

"Maybe her boyfriend got fed up of her shit" Rose laughed.

"Or Miss Grant got fed up of her cringey selfies that she plastered all over her media work" Kyle suggests, bringing a laugh out of us all. It was true, she thought she was God's gift and used her over-the-top selfies in her magazine mock ups. She was a wannabe model, signed up to agencies, but never got any jobs from it. To be honest, you don't really have to wonder why, she wasn't the best at posing, but no one had the heart to tell her. Good on her for chasing her dreams though.

"I wonder how the three little pigs are handling it." Aefa questioned.

"It wouldn't surprise me if one of them did it" I admitted.

Looking to my side i take my instant camera and sit up, holding the camera back at me at arms length.

"SELFIE!" I yell and smile, with my good side to the camera, after giving the other three a chance to jump in the picture and snap a shot. Aefa, Rose and Kyle carry on their conversation about Eve's death, mentioning that a sector on the news was going to be dedicated to the results of the investigation so far, would be airing tonight. I consider watching it as I watch the picture emerge on the film that just printed from the camera. I decide against it, I've heard enough about her for one day and I'm sure I'd find out any important information soon enough. After all, the rest of the town would be watching it.


After a relaxed morning Rose drives us to school and the atmosphere is intense. Most people were silent or talking about Eve. Honestly, I'd rather be anywhere but here. People look at me with a dirty look, obviously they know I fought with her and they're jumping to conclusions. The three little pigs duck their heads down and scurry past me with their tails between their legs and they're all dressed in black to mourn her death. We even started the day with an assembly dedicated to Eve. Some students and teachers were taking speeches about what a lovely girl she was and how kind and caring she was. I play with my fingers, keeping my head down but I can feel stares burn into the back of my head. The longer I stay, the more my hands start to shake and eventually I get up and leave. Walking out the door I shake uncontrollably and hot tears burn at my cheeks. Memories I had been suppressing were replaying and I couldn't stop them. Things no one knew or understood, things Eve did to me when we were younger. I lose my breath as the memory of Eve holding my head underwater came flooding back when I felt a hand on either shoulder spin me around and bring me back to my senses.

It's Kyle.

I take the biggest breath in and hug him tightly, sobbing into his chest. Gentle shushes and the stroking of my hair calmed me down.

"There's things I never told you..."

I admit this looking up at him. It was time to tell him. Someone besides myself needed to know. I couldn't just act like it never happened. Kyle just looks at me quizzically but then nods and leads me to the roof.

I tell him everything Eve did me, from putting me down mentally, to attempting to drown me. He listens like he always does. Embracing me. Comforting me. Through the stories I focus on the birds flying through the sky, like the ones on my shoulder that I had to hide due to school regulations, but I didn't mind. It's comforting knowing only Kyle and I know they're there. My face hardens as I sort through the painful memories, keeping my tear-stained face turned towards the sky so it wouldn't crack under the pressure of tears. Keeping my chin up makes me feel stronger. When I finish with the last memory, I turn to Kyle, giving him a weak smile and in reply, he just takes me in his arms, so I'm hidden from the world in my safe place.

"She can't do this to you anymore. She's gone now" He whispers.

And I'm glad. Not only am I glad she can't hurt me anymore, but I'm glad she's not here because I knew by the stiffness of Kyle's body that if she was here, she wouldn't be for much longer.

The school bell sounds for the end of the day and I go to my locker to collect my school books with Kyle following close behind. Rose and Aefa's lockers are nearby so we can catch a ride with Rose again. I punch in the combination to my locker but something falls at my feet. When I click at what just fell out my locker a jump back and scream. A dead rat lays at my feet staring back up at me with a note reading:

I hope you're happy with yourself.

Obviously, the three little pigs wanted to leave me a little gift and I can guess this isn't going to be last. Bring it on, bitches.


We went back to my place for dinner and the others were being really comforting about what had happened. After dinner I was left by myself and I spent the evening cuddled up in bed playing basket ball on my phone, when I got a message from Kyle.

Want an update on Eve? xxx

Sure, go ahead. xxx

He was watching the segment on Eve so I didn't have to.

It says they believe she was strangled to death at 10 in the morning. Police are calling in suspects for questioning in the next 48 hours. They believe the suspect is female as there were heel indentations in the grass in the back garden where her body was dumped. There is evidence that she fought back before she died .xxx

I'm going to be call in for questioning aren't I? xxx

Most probably, along with Rose and Aefa. xxx

Well good luck to me, they'll probably think I did it... xxx

Well, you didn't so they can't charge you with anything. We'll get a good lawyer and a plan xxx

Thanks, Kyle... I'm scared though. xxx

I don't blame you... I'll be here. Always <3 Anyway, you get some sleep xxx

Okay, will do. Night night, I love you xxx

I love you too, Merissa xxx

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