CH 6: Burn

12 0 1

(Dallas, Texas)

The shadows dropped them down onto the rotting wooden floors of an abandoned house. At contact, Sierra let out a string of curses. A buzzing pain going through her body.

Ace on the other hand staid silent, his head lolling over onto the side and his eyes sliding shut. "Ace?" Sierra sputtered out worriedly as she regarded her unconscious companion. Sierra forced herself up and crawled her way over to his side, lightly shaking his shoulders.

"Ermp," Ace grumbled out in reply, his eyelids fluttering before he tiredly opened his eyes half-way to meet Sierra's gaze. "What?" he murmured tiredly.

"S-sorry," Sierra quickly rushed out, "I thought you were hurt or," Sierra stopped herself mid sentence, shaking her head slightly. "You know what, just go back to sleep," Ace needed to hear nothing more before he closed his eyelids shut again and drifted back off into the land of dreams.

Sierra watched him curiously for a few moments, before deciding to do the same thing as well. She laid down, her gaze facing upwards towards the wall and she began to count all the cracks she saw in the ceiling, hoping it would help her fall asleep more quickly. It didn't. Her mind was too busy, millions of thoughts buzzing around in her head like a swarm of angry bees, keeping her mind unable to drift off into the blissful and sweet sleep.

Sighing out in defeat, Sierra gave up on the idea of sleeping and instead sat up and undid her hair from its ponytail. She began to anxious run her fingers through the tangled locks, hoping the task would help distract her mind from the dangerously depressing thoughts it was moving towards. When her hair became tangle free, Sierra began to French braid her hair into a side ponytail.

The entire task took about thirty minutes, and only because she had purposely been dawdling, and once it was done Sierra had nothing left to do but think. Which given her current thoughts, was a dangerous pastime at the moment. She had to do something. Sierra thought, looking about for anything in the tiny room she could occupy herself with. Other than a broken table and shattered lamp lying besides it the room was bare. Maybe she could explore the house? She thought, but decided against it as thoughts of serial killers jumping out from behind closed doors swarmed her mind. Huffing out a breath of defeat, Sierra laid back down and stared up at the ceiling.


"The girls name is Sierra Kalani," agent Marx spoke as she stepped into the blue suits man's office. "She was at the beach looking after her younger brother. We think she meet up with 1x29 by complete chance, he must have realized the boardwalk was going to explode he dragged her out,"

"And where is she now?" the man in the blue suit asked a frown plastered on his lips.

"Missing. Officials assume she died in the explosion, but they haven't found her body yet," Agent Marx told him.

"No body, no actual witnesses for her death, no real proof she's dead then," the man in the blue suit thought aloud absentmindedly. Agent Marx nodded her head in conformation. "What about her family?"

"Younger brother is hospitalized, minor injuries as a result from debris from the explosion. The father is with him and nobody knows where the mother is. Although after checking phone records one of my agents found there was a call recieved at 9:52 pm to the house from an untraceable number,"

"So it was from them, wasn't it?" the man in the blue suit decided, not bothering to wait for any conformation from agent Marx. "Track down her mother and find out what they said." And with that said, the man in the blue suit dismissed agent Marx with a flick of his hand. "Go."


It took little more than half and hour before boredom finally overtook Sierra and dragged her down into a deep, dreamless slumber. After about three more hours, Ace finally began to stir. "Eeerugh," he grumbled out, sitting up and stretching a bit until his back gave out a satisfying crack. "Sierra?" he whispered out once he noticed her besides him. "Are you asleep?" He took her silence as a yes.

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