CH 1: 1x29

87 0 0

(Boreal Forest, Canada)

"How is it reacting to the drugs?" the man in the blue suit thought it couldn't hear him through the thick layers of glass and metal that separated them, but it could. It could hear him quite clearly in fact.

"Subject 1x29 is not reacting at all to the drugs," the woman replied, pushing her glasses farther up her nose.

"Really?" the man in the blue suit replied. He looked towards 'subject 1x29' with the same fascination a scientist would regard his specimen with. Which was true in this case. Subject 1x29, despite his great displeasure towards this fact, was indeed their specimen.

"Not one of the drugs seemed to effect him, which is quite-,"

"Seemed?" the man in the blue suit noted ,"What do you mean seemed?"

"I don't know yet what he's capable of, we've been administering the drugs through his food and drink. I think it would be too dangerous at this point to allow someone to go and physically enter to retrieve blood sampl-." Once again the man in the blue suit cut the woman off.

"Then why don't you get them while it's asleep?" the man in the blue suit regarded her like she was an idiot, which the woman did not like one bit. She was a world renowned scientist.

"It, doesn't sleep at all," the woman replied icily.

"This thing hasn't slept once in the two weeks it's been here?" the blue suit man asked, not believing the woman.

"No," she replied, growing annoyed that he didn't believe her. The woman was right though, subject 1x29 hadn't slept a second since he had been brought here. He needed very little sleep to function, and as long as he didn't waste his energy, he could last a good while without it.

"Four guards to the observation room R15," the blue suit man ordered into what looked like a walkie talkie.

"What are you doing?" the woman asked, but the man in the blue suit ignored her.

"On our way sir," a voice replied back from the other end of the walkie talkie.

"Excuse me, but I believe I asked about what you were doing," the woman snapped.

"Excuse me," the blue suit man said mimicking her cold and irritated tone, "But I do believe that as your superior you should talk to me with much more respect."

The woman's fist tightened at this. God how badly she wanted to punch him right now. "Your right, I'm sorry sir..," she forced out, restraining herself from injuring the man.

"Apology accepted," the blue suit man told her, a smirk on his face.

The doors slide open and in strolled in four heavily armed guards, all in a single file line.

"Sir, you asked for us?" one of them said.

"Yes, I need help getting subject 1x29 to the laboratory to run some tests," blue suit man told them.

"What?" The woman found herself baffled for a moment. "No, you can't do that!" she cried out.

"Actually, I can," the blue suit man replied cockily, "I want two of you to stand guard at the door," the blue suit man said to the guards, "the other two will come and help me escort the subject out."

"No you won't!" the woman replied, standing in front of the door.

"Dr. Milord, move," the blue suit man ordered.

"No," she snapped, and the act of disobedience the blue suit man scowled. No one had ever disobeyed his orders before and needless to say he didn't like it.

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