Chapter 1: What Lurks in the Woods

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Chapter 1

"What Lurks in the Woods"

My eyes fluttered open as I let them adjust to the new set of light. It was the crack of dawn and like always I needed to get up and catch early morning game.

I rose from my cot and trudged the dirty wool blanket off of me. My feet made contact with the cold wooded floor that creaked under my every step. I made way to the small corner of my room where my cloak was. I picked up the thin thing and draped it over my shoulders.

It was almost the end of Autumn and Winter would be starting soon. It would be one of the worst Winters we would have. Weather reported for heavy snow storms and the animals would go hibernating. We barely had any heating and game would be harder to catch. I don't know if grandfather would be able to last this time.

I trotted out of my room through the cabin. I made my way to my grandfathers room to see how he was doing. Inside laid a sickly pale old man. His face lost its color and was left with a pale, sickly looking color. His cheeks were sunken and his once strong face that held hope and certainty was bony and lacked of his previous traits. His frail arms were hanging at the side of him as the thin blanket reached up to his neck.

Years before I remember how lively and bright my grandfather used to be. He was still pale but not a sickly color. His brownish grey hair was still full and his body was of one of a healthy 45 year old male since werewolves aging appearance stopped at 45. But I can't forget his eyes, those once livid green eyes were replaced with dullness and that light you used to see no longer ignited.

Now, even his wolf wouldn't be able to save him. My grandfather was a hybrid, a werewolf and warlock. After my grandmother died he would spend as much time with me and my family. He was trying to cope with her death by being around us but it only worked to a certain degree. He was becoming sick, he developed lupus disease, one of the very few that can kill a werewolf even though we are very healthy creatures.

It worsened after my parent's death, one that I did not like to speak about. We were already close so when we had to run it was no problem getting along. We found the comfort of being in an old abandoned cabin deep in the woods. At a young age I learned many different potions and formulas to act as medications to my grandfather. Unfortunately, none were able to cure him and only healed temporarily. I didn't have the power of a true witch to be able to do that, both of my parents were pure werewolves however, I didn't receive my wolf.

I walked up to the sickly man and placed a feather-like kiss onto his forehead. I exited his room to grab my dagger off of the wooden side table and left the cabin. I began walking along the dust path that led to my cabin till it was unseen. I entered the beginning of the surrounding trees of our hidden cabin focusing forward. If I looked up I would get lost by the tall trees and forget my train of thought. Slowly I walked through the woods searching for my breakfast.

After about 2 hours I searched long and hard for the game I so badly needed for grandfather but I've been off. I've only seen about two rabbits which were both too quick for me. Without my wolf and advanced hearing, speed, eyesight, or sense of smell I was practically a human who hunted. It's still a lost case why I never got my wolf or heard from her.

The wind swooshed sending shivers on my skin. It was chilly and the only thing to keep me warm was this cloak. I clutched it tighter as I continued to walk. If I couldn't get game I at least needed to find a source of water that we could drink from. With the weather everything was getting harder and harder. I've been doing the same thing since I turned the age of 13, going out to fetch game, bring back a bucket full of water... That's when I remembered, I forgot my bucket.

I turned back on my heel in hopes I may find game on the way. I traced my steps back to the cabin as I walked through the woods but I felt uneasy. I felt as if something was watching me, noticing my every move. Following me and observing. I rubbed my arm feeling exposed like the person or rather thing knew exactly what I was doing.

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