P-Day Adventure

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The transfer wore on with little excitement. The finding went about the same. Any time we felt like we had found someone, there was always a problem that arose. Problems included finding people that we could never get in contact with, muslims that we could only teach once without permission from President Staheli, or any other issues that seemed even slightly plausible.

P-days were about the only thing that kept me going. One p-day we went in search for castles. We took a tour of the Château de Carrouges. We drove out to it through the beautiful, green countryside of France. We passed through small towns that were impressive in just the fact they have enough to even be a town.

"Look, there it is," Elder Park said as we approached a grove of trees that were just as green as the fields around them.

"Wow," I said in awe of the grandeur of the only building in site.

Among the grove of trees was a giant, orange-tinted castle with a moat going all the way around it. We drove up to it, over the bridge, and through the now-vehicle entrance. We went through the archway with two spires above us reaching seemingly endless towards the sky. Inside of the full square of the castle was a small courtyard where other cars were parked.

"Bonjour, Bienvenue au Château de Carrouge," one of the attendants of the castle greeted us as we arrived. "Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous?"

Elder Park told them we would like a tour, and we were taken inside the château by an elderly, yet spry, French woman.

We walked through each room with huge tapestries hanging from the walls showing events from the Bible. She showed us the staircase made of brick that seemed to reach upward forever. We were told that because of the way they were built, we could hear anything along this staircase if standing at the base of the stairs.

The last room she showed us before taking us back to the parking lot was a giant room.

"This is where they held weddings and festivities," the chauffeur told us in French. "Every once in awhile, we still will hold a wedding here, but it doesn't happen often."

We left the castle and headed home to start our day of contacting and porting, but we struggled because we couldn't help but just talk about the sites of the day.

**Writer's Note** - I know this is a short chapter. I am just busy. I will try to get more chapters quicker and shorter, that way I feel like I am moving along.

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