Justin Bieber

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Damn Daniel

  "Alright babe I'm out, gimme kiss." Justin says leaning over me while I rub my very pregnant belly.
"Uuhhh you is to far." I struggle.
"Oh my god y/n I don't have time for this."He chuckled.
"You always have time for me." I pout.

I smile back up at him with a little child like charm to it.
"I guess you are right...I love you my Pringle."

He leans down and shrinks the space between us.

"Love you more."

As he stands up and walks to the door I looked him up and down.

"Hey babe?"


"Damn Daniel!!!!!"

I laugh so hard that I slid down the couch holding  my stomach.

He turned toward me and smirked slightly.

"You're going to be screaming damn daddy after that baby comes out."

He opens the door and leaves, leaving me in my thoughts about the last time he promised my vaginas destruction.

"Oh dear lord no..."

I got pregnant...


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