Join me, Daniel

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"I'm impressed, Daniel. Never thought I'd see you in here for doing something bad." Vlad said, smirking. Danny glared. "Why are you here?" He wouldn't admit he wasn't happy to see Vlad. After all, this could be his way out. He could be free!

"I think you and I know exactly why I'm here." Vlad walked closer to the glass, staring at the white haired teen. He forgot how much Daniel meant to him, and today was going to be the day he got him on his side.

Danny frowned, not liking that answer. Even if he did turn, even if he was evil, he was never joining him. And it annoyed him that Vlad still wanted him as his 'son' or something. "I think I'll pass."

Vlad frowned slightly. "And why not? You could get revenge, Daniel. Wouldn't that be nice?" Vlad looked over at the panel, Danny watching closely. "All I have to do is press a button and you'd be free. How does that sound?"

Danny shook his head, frowning. He stood up, floating a few feet off the ground. Did Vlad think he was that stupid? Maybe he could trick him, then he could leave!

"What do you want, Vlad?"

Smirking, Vlad said. "For you to join me, Daniel. You and I? We could rule this world with a simple flick of the wrist." Danny just watched Vlad for a second. He's a sad, sad man.

"I dunno, Vlad." He mouthed, looking at the door that Frostbite came out of. "That'll take effort."

Vlad chuckled. "Will it?" Vlad crossed his arms behind his back, worried. He'd thought he'd have Daniel on his side by now! Why was this taking so long?

Danny watched as Vlad's hand hovered over the release button, his core pumping. He smirked, this was it! He was gonna be free! "No, it won't."

Vlad smirked, pressing the button. Danny smirked when he landed on the ground, laying there a moment. He was free... Danny got up, eyes glowing a bright toxic green. The air grew cold, Danny's hands glowing green. He turned around, teeth gritted.

Vlad put a shield up, shocked. He'd thought he had him on his side!

"Daniel!" Vlad screamed in anger. He felt the wall behind him, the blasts sending him back. Once he had the chance, Vlad sent a pink disk at Danny, followed by more. He missed, only a few hitting him, though, it seemed to unfazed him.

Danny punched Vlad in the face, who sent a blast of energy at Danny, who got sent back. Vlad got up, glaring at the teen. "Big mistake, Daniel." Danny smirked, going invisible. Vlad looked left and right, top and bottom. He waited for what seemed like hours but was only ten seconds for Danny to come back, but he never did.

That was, till Danny blasted Vlad in the back, followed by kicks and punches.

The next thing Danny knew, he was being held down by Vlad, his hands by his head. Danny's eyes flashed green. "What the Hell's wrong with you, Daniel!?"

Danny blasted Vlad, who stopped himself from hitting the floor. "Stop this, Daniel! I'm on your side!" Danny shook his head, eyes flashing. "Bye, Vlad."

Danny blasted Vlad in ice, then blasted him with ecto energy to brake it. He kept that up, till Vlad fell on the ground. He smirked. Now all he had to do was get Vlad in that chamber thing and leave.


Danny dragged Vlad over to the chamber. Blood and ectoplasm pouring out of his wounds. Just as he had Vlad set up to get sucked into the chamber, the door flew open.

Danny turned around, seeing Jazz, Sam and Tucker standing there, looking shocked. "Danny..." Sam breathed out. Tucker glared. "I know you didn't like him but you didn't have to kill him!" Danny rolled his eyes, walking over and pushing the button.

He nodded his head when he saw that Vlad wasn't getting up. He turned to his 'friends'. They glared. "So that's it? Your just going to leave him?" Danny nodded.

"Danny..." Sam said, stepping foreword. "You... You don't have to do this! Don't let the evil blind you!" Danny raised an eyebrow. Blinded by evil? How was he blinded by evil?

"We can help you." Sam continued, stepping closer with each word. She didn't think Danny noticed, seeing how he was looking into space.

"At least he's thinking." Tucker whispered to Jazz, not taking his eyes off of them. Jazz nodded, not able to form words.

"We can help you if you just let us, okay?" Danny jumped when Sam touched his shoulder. He looked at her and.... Stared into each other's eyes. Danny tried backing away but Sam already had a good grip on his hand, which she had interlocked both there hands together.

Danny looked at Sam, eyes wide. What was she doing? Sam slowly moved forward, never braking eye contact. Tucker and Jazz both held each other's hands, practically jumping up and down. And when they locked lips, they had to cover there mouths from screaming.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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