The Change

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Leonard Snarts POV
Central City/WaveRider
"What the hells up with all this rain" I moan as me and Mick finish loading the cash into the van. "I like it" Mick says gruffly as he closes the back doors to the van. Grumbling I climbed into the passenger side as Mick climbed behind the wheel.
Police car sirens wailed as mick started up the van and headed towards the warehouse that's doubled as our house for the last few days.
"Always late to the party" I said leaning back in the seat. "Their really rude" Mick said laughing. Soon we where at the warehouse.
"Thank you Central City Bank" I said as I carried in one of the money bags, I let Mick carry the rest. Taking off my coat and hanging it up I sat on the bed and patted it, throwing off his coat Mick came and sat next to me a wad full of cash in his hand "what do you plan to do with that" I said raising an eyebrow. "Well" he said before stuffing some of the bills down my pants. Normally I would lay down and make him unzip my pants with his teeth, and remove the bills one by one but for some reason I was to tired. "Sorry big boy I'm to tired" I said leaning over and kissing him. "Not feeling to good Lennie" he said looking at me worried, as he pulled the bills out and threw them onto the floor, it always surprised me how careless he was with money, especially since it landed near his fire gun.
"I'm ok" I said waving off his worry "it's just You've never turned down after heist sex" he said smiling, though I could see that he was still worried. "I know I'm just tired ok Micky" and with that I laid down and was happy when he laid down next to me and pulled me close to him. "I love you" I said softly as I fell asleep.

Michael Scofield POV
Fox River Penitentiary 
I was  happy when they brought us in from the yard a sudden tiredness had flooded over me.
  "So Michael what the next part of the plan"  Fernando said as they closed the cell door shut "All in due time" I said laying down on my bunk and putting my forearm over my face, "that's all you have to say fish" he said as he went up and on his top bunk
  "Yes that's all I have to say, I'm tired I think I'm going to rest for awhile if you don't mind" I said turning and facing the wall
  "Sure , no problem we have plenty of time to just relax mijo" I heard him say and then collapse onto his back, I couldn't help but smile, he was a good guy and understood his frustration at me, cause I had it to Lincoln was running out of days, and here I was wanting to sleep, needing to sleep.

"Hey Scofield time to get up" moaning I sat up and looked around, I was in jail , but how could that be, we weren't caught and who is Scofield?
   "Move it" the guard yelled again, getting up slowly I did as I was told, the last thing I wanted to do in jail was bring attention to myself, I would figure out what's going on without others figuring it out. I stood by who must be my cell mate with the irritated look he was giving me. After the cell was checked we were sent back in and it was lights out.
   "Hey fish, now that we got "our work done" what's the next move" he asked me
   I laid there not sure what to say, obviously I'm pretty green if I'm being called fish, and with the way he said "work" and "plan" told me we where planning an escape, but I had no idea what the plan was and who this Scofield guy was
  "Hey can I see your mirror" I said quietly
  "My mirror? Why"
   "Just give it to me" I said still getting used to my new voice
  "Fine whatever" and with that he passed it down, I quickly used it to see my reflection I couldn't see to well since it was lights out but I could tell I looked a lot like I'm used to looking, a little younger is all, 'what the hell was going on" I thought
"Thanks" I said and handed back up the mirror
   "Don't worry I have it under control, the plan still stay on schedule" I say reassuringly.
  "I hope so me and your brother are counting on you man" he said and I heard him turn over for the night, and soon enough soft snoring sounds came from his bunk. Before laying down I had taken off my over shirt and saw that I had ink but I had no time to see it properly, I tried looking at it now but it was just to dark, but from the looks of it whoever Scofield is has an entire shirt on him.
  Knowing I couldn't do anything at the moment I closed my eyes hoping that when I woke up I would be back of the WaveRider.
I jolted awake as I felt shaking, I tried to sit up but there seemed to be s heavy arm draped across me, looking over I saw Lincoln? No he sort of looked like him but there where differences, whoever this was, was older had more scars on his face. I looked down and realized I was completely naked, and had no tattoos on me what so ever.
    "Hey Lennie, just go back to sleep we will be in this dead space for few days might as well catch up on some sleep, by the way I dream about our old heists to, you really need to stop talking in your sleep babe" the man next to me said 'babe?' 'Dead space' 'heists', all I knew is that whoever "Lennie" was was really important to this guy and if I make one wrong move he will know I'm not him and by his looks he could probably easily kill me, but I had to get back my brother needed me.
   Finally wiggling out of his death hold I got up and threw something on, I noticed the man in the bed was also naked, and my ass hurt like hell, 'oh got' I mumbled, as I quietly slipped out of the room to assess my new situation.
  "Hey Leonard, Mick still asleep? We all heard you last night I'm not surprised" looking over I saw a beautiful woman with blond hair and a white outfit.
   "You ok, you don't look to good" she said and came to check my forehead "I'm fine" I said, I see my voice is a little odd
"Ok..." She said not sure she believed me
"Hey Sara is Leonard up" Sara I thought looking at the woman, it's a small world I thought as a man with shaggy brown hair and a beard came over.
  "He's awake Rip but he is acting strange, I think he should go lay back down" the man named Rip looked at me "he does look quite confused, I wonder if the last jump did a number on him?"
He was right I was confused, they all seemed to be crazy talking about time jumps and things, but I couldn't let up that I wasn't who they think I am and who I obviously look like or I might be as good as dead,
"Mr.Snart if you and Mr.Rory can meet us on the bridge in a few hours of would be greatly appreciated" said the guy that's called Rip said, I just nodded , before I could excuse myself from the others so I could look around the door behind me opened up.
"Come back to bed Lennie" I heard behind me before I was pulled in by my arm and pulled into a deep kiss, it took all my might not to pull away.
"Your so rigid baby what's wrong"
"I'm not feeling to good" I said and to honest I wasn't. With the way he was looking at me I was sure he noticed me as an imposter, but he just came closer to me "I'll help you feel better" he whispered in my ear .
The next morning after the cell check and breakfast we were out in the yard, and it didn't take long before I was approached by my cell mate and four others all who looked concerned.
"Hey fish I heard you haven't been yourself" one the men said, he had long scraggly hair, I glared at my cell mate who just shrugged.
"I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind as you can suspect" I said but that didn't make things any better
"Where worried about you, you know because of this little adventure don't work out were all in deep shit" said another one of the men"
"I know I know" I said trying to wrap my head around everything, I have been locked up plenty of times and broke out many times as well, and I knew that if I didn't produce something fast my ass was toast, I wasn't used to so many being part of a break out, what the hell was this Michael guy thinking.
"I'm going to talk to my brother" I said pushing threw the crowed
"Well then maybe you should head the other way, he is in the church" I stopped in my tracks. Dammit I need to get my act together, turning on my heels I headed towards the congregation, and once I was in there I looked for any clue on who my brother was, and that's when I froze on the spot, ''is that Mick' I thought to myself and continued to get closer but when he looked at me, I could tell that it wasn't, he was to young and not scarred enough but I had a feeling that he was my brother.
Following my gut instincts I sat right behind him, "I've been thinking Michael and I think are best bet is to find a way to cut Dbag out" "alright" I said "so how have you been" I whispered in his ear that I was very tempted to nibble but I just reminded myself "he's not Mick"
"I'm ok are you" he said, again another mistake, have to remember not to linger
"Ya I'm good, I have to be we need to get you out of here soon"
He nodded but he still seemed uncertain
"What are you doing Michael" he hissed, looking down I noticed that I hand unconsciously wrapped my other arm around him
"Sorry," I said and hurriedly got up and left.
"Hey Scofield it's time for PI, said a guard, I looked over and could tell this guy was not a friend, I nodded and followed him, soon we were at a small building that looked like it was set on fire. Soon the others showed up, immediately 'my brother"' pulled me aside
"Mike if you're having second thoughts about all this, you have to say something now" he said looking into my eyes. "You're eyes they seem different somehow" he said, him standing so close looking at me I made the ultimate mistake and kissed him, he quickly pushed me off
"What the hell" he growled
"We where thinking the same thing"
"Shut up D-bag" he growled back at the man
So that's DBag I thought and straightened myself up and began gaining my composure back'
"I was seeing if it was a good way to slip you a key, and it would be so maybe we can just be adults about this and do what needs to be done" and with that I got to working on anything I could find. I could still feel their stares but I tried to ignore them.
"I think I would rather wait till I feel a little better and plus Rip needs us on deck in a few hours" he looked at me totally dumbfounded
" you're acting weird Lennie maybe I should take you to med bay
"Maybe your right" I said glad to have something to get out of this awkward position, for one I'm not really into guys and two he looks to much like my brother. But the look he gave me broke my heart, sighing I hugged him, it felt good to be in strong arms, arms that where supporting me and not the other way around, not that I didn't like being there for people I did, but sometimes especially lately I feel so alone. This action helped both me and him, his muscles relaxed and he later his head down on mine.
"You know I don't think I need the med bay i think I just need rest... And to be held" I said and led him back into bed, he pulled me close and to be honest I didn't mind it felt safe. I smiled as I felt his breathing slow, soon he was asleep and to my surprise I was too soon enough. When I awoke I was startled again at first but as I heard his heart beat I slowly calmed down, looking at the clock I realized we were supposed to be at a meeting, tapping Mick on the shoulder "it's time to get up sleepy head" I said and began sitting up when he pulled me back down and kissed me before getting up himself, it took all I had to not wipe my lips off. I had to say though when we got to the Bridge I was amazed, there where so many new things I had never seen before but I quickly started to compute how each thing was made, it would take time but maybe this was going to be fun. I berated myself for even thinking that Lincoln needed me to get back, I didn't have time for fun, I had to hope that whoever this Leonard guy really is will be able to get Lincoln out because so far no plausible way of switching back was presenting itself. I noticed I was being stared at and quickly began to pay attention hoping to ease their worry but I could feel awkwardness radiating off all of them. They knew something was up, if this didn't get fixed soon the whole crew would know and it could spell disaster for him and the livelihood of his brother.
"You know prettie I've been wanting to get a good look at those tattoos on your body" Dbag said "we have more important things to do than entertain your jollies"
"I agree so why don't you stop making out with your brother and tell us how this is going down"
I glared at him and looked to Lincoln for some kind of support but he just shrugged his shoulders, I needed to catch up fast or this would all burn."I need to talk to you alone for a minute Lincoln" I said, I needed to tell someone I was to far behind, and the only person I trusted was him.

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