F e v e r

39 10 1


Wtf? Its 2 am! Why the hell are you texting me at such an early hour?!

Sorry. Not sorry. XD

Answer the question.

Oops. Seems like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Dammit Breanna!

*sigh* fine. It seems that I have a fever. And I can't sleep.

So you had to text me so early in the morning just to tell me?

No!!! That's not even a valid reason! Its just that... I'm freezing and let's say that my temperature is 38.5 degrees celsius. <-had to type it since I couldn't find the weird balloon thingy on the keyboard. XD

What?! Why don't you tell your parents? You need to drink medicine!

Everyone's away atm. :( im sorry for bothering you cam, you can go back to sleep now.

Apologies can wait, I need you to go find some medicine for your fever. Drink atleast 3-6 cups of water. Put a wet cloth on your forehead and lie down. Don't move too much and get some rest.

Thanks Cam. I mean it. :)

Now go to sleep young lady.

Pfft. Yes mom. :)

Message Not Sent
My parents are long gone random dude. They left me, just like the others did. Are you going to leave me too?

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