S l e e p y h e a d

42 5 2

Hey, weirdo where art thou?
-.-  dont you dare ignore me.
Fine. So you're seriously gonna do this? Fine.

Oh my glob. I'm so sorry for not replying, I was sound asleep.
Cammmmm Im sarrreeeeehhhh. Fur-give mehhhh

I thought you're insomniac?

I am. I can't sleep at night. But I sleep like a log during the day. XD

-_- you're kidding right?

I am 100% serious.

Why'd I even bother.

Hahahahahahhahaha. So, am I forgiven?

Its not like I have a choice. Sigh.

Griinnnnn. Just admit it. You just can't resist my charms.

Ha ha. Hell no.

-3- bully. So what did you want to say?

Uhhh. Nothing.

Spill it. >:))))

I may or may not have wanted to tell you that I farted in front of a chick?


Weird how I'm not surprised of your reaction. -.-

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Thanks for not getting weirded out. I'm not sure though. But thanks.

P.S. Farting huh? What a turn on. XD

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