P o s s i b i l i t i e s

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Hey Bree, how are you?

Oooh!!! You actually texted me first! Its a friggin miracle!

Shut up. So? Do you still have a fever?

Lol. To answer your question: no, i dont have a fever anymore. Were you worried sugarpie?

Ew. I was just afraid that if you die the police will check your phone inbox, then they'll see that I was the last person you texted. They'll assume that I murdered you or something then they're going to arrest me.!

Wow. Im speechless. You sure have a creative imagination. -.-

Imagine the possibilities!

Message Not Sent
Could it be possible that you could save me then, random dude?

Save Me Random DudeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя