The train

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The next morning I was handed a train tickets for platform 9 3/4. I looked like a lost puppy trying to find her owner. Then the weirdest thing happened I leaned against a wall and I just fell through. When I got on (glad I didn't have to take a plane) I went to a compartment that did not have anyone. As soon as I sat down a kid named Draco Malfoy came in followed by a two buffoons. The Draco kid kept talking about getting into slytherin and being popular and the buffoons kept nodding like an idiot. Finally a girl with brown hair came in asking about a toad for a guy named Neville. After she left I came after her because the three were all buffoons. So I found a new compartment with two boys named Harry and Ron. So, I sat with them trying to get away from the others. We still had a long time til we would be at Hogwarts, so I changed and fell asleep.

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