The creepy hat

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When I woke up I got off the train the half giant was directing us to boats I got stuck on a boat with Draco Malfoy (which is a stupid name) who was just talking to his meathead followers and didn't notice me. I was hoping that they would not notice me but sure enough Malfoy turned around to face me. Honestly I was not scared but I was freezing so I was shivering and he turned around and pushed me out of the boat. The water felt as if they just poured ice into it. I don't know the name of the person that pulled me up I know her name started with a H. When we got back a teacher gave me a towel and told us what to do when we got inside. When I got inside it was close to the beginning. All I remember from then on was that I got into slytherin and so did that idiot Draco. After the sorting hat was the feast it was absolutely amazing. After we went down to  the dungeon because that's where the slytherin common rooms are. It was really dark but I was out like a light. I didn't catch the password but it had something to do with blood and I was hoping that class tomorrow would not be too hard.

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