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You walked to school, Chan beside you, keeping your head down.

"Hey guys!" Chan called to someone.

Oh no, you thought. She's gonna make me make friends.

"Hey Chan!" someone said. You looked up. Three guys were walking up to you and Chan. The one in the middle had very slightly tan skin, black hair, brown and happy eyes, and was wearing black headphones with red and blue squares in the ear pieces. He was the one who spoke.

The one to his left had dark brown curly hair sticking out underneath a white hat. He was slightly pale. He had light brown eyes that seemed to be almost pink. He was smiling. You looked at his hat. Sticking up out of it, were bunny ears. You couldn't also help but notice that his lips were...slightly bruised. (A/N: get that reference?)

The one to the headphone guy's right was very pale. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was smiling, but his smile wasn't as big as the others'.

"Who's the new girl?" the headphone guy asked.

"I'm (Y/N)," you said quietly.

"Hi (Y/N)," the blonde one said. You instantly recognized his accent.

"You're British!"


"I'm sorry, I've just never met anyone that was British." (A/N: even if you're British, work with meh...)

"It's okay."

"Hi! I'm Sam," the bunny one said, giving a small wave.

You waved back. "So you're the one Chan told me about. The guy with the bunny ears."

"Chan told you?"



"Hello! I'm Taurtis! Here's some Toritos!" the one with the headphones said, handing you a bag of what looked like Doritos, but instead of a "D" it had a "T."

"Um, I don't really like Doritos."

"I know right? They're disgusting! Toritos are much better!"

"Just roll with it," Chan whispered to you. You nodded and pocketed the bag.

"Thanks Taurtis. Now I have lunch."

"No problem! Anything for a pretty girl like you."

"Yeaaaaah, no. Nice try though." You started walking towards the school, Chan beside you.

"Come on!" Chan called to the boys. "We're going to be late!"

You and her laughed.


"No problem! Anything for a pretty girl like you," I said, trying to flirt with (Y/N), but I wasn't lying. She was really pretty, with her bright (E/C) eyes and (H/L), (H/C) hair...

"Yeaaaaah, no," she said, bringing me back to reality. "Nice try though." She walked away, Chan beside her.

"Come on!" Chan called to us. "We're going to be late!"

They laughed, and we ran over to them.

We made it into class just in time. The bell rang ad we sat down. (Y/N) stayed outside the doorway, biting her bottom lip. I'm sure she felt out of place.

Bunny, Gamer, or Brit? *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now