︎︎︎☔︎disappearing iPod and bridal photos☔︎

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this is my story, but anon please:
My friend, let's call her Lily, was over and we have always been "ghost fanatics" and lover of the supernatural ideas. We wanted to have a seance, and we wanted proof of anything, so we called our other friend (we will call her Mary) who is great with cameras, lightings etc to film. Lily and I sat down, lit some candles, closed blinds and even burned incense. We called the spirits, but noticed Mary was supposed to film also on my new iPod touch 4 (peak of electronic ingenuity, or so I thought), but it wasn't there. It had left her side, but we didn't know where. She continued to film when we felt the room shift. Mary's eyes flew open, she started to my dresser and pulled out my iPod. Mary then shook a bit and called her mom to pick her up without an explanation. Lily and I went downstairs for dinner and tried to forget until the next day...

I hadn't even unlocked my iPod since...I was too scared. Lily had me over at her house because she wanted to follow up. We called Mary who claimed to have not remembered anything, so we stuck to ourselves. We found that all of my Selena Gomez songs were deleted (we were her biggest fans from "Kiss and Tell" to "Stars Dance"), and only my 2 Justin Bieber songs (this was way before the Jelena drama) so we were confused. We decided for whatever reason, to take pictures of her house (we saw people do it on Ghost Hunters) and came across disturbing images.
A woman in a fancy dress on the floor and the next was a man leaning over her, dagger in hand.

These were silhouette like but that's what we could make out.

We later found out that there was a "family wedding that ended in tragedy" around her house but that's all we know, and everything stopped after that.

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