⇔the bath game⇔

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Originated in Japan, this ritual allows you to summon a ghost who will then follow you throughout the day. All you have to do it avoid getting caught.

How to play:

1. At night, get naked and go into the bathroom.

2. Fill the tub with water and turn off ALL the lights.

3. Sit in the middle of the tub facing the faucet and taps.

4. Close your eyes and wash your hair repeating the sentence "Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down." over and over.

5. As you wash your hair, you should see in your mind's eye the image of a Japanese woman standing in a bathtub. She slips and falls on a rusty tap, which impales her through the eye and kills her.

6. Continue repeating the sentence until you are finished washing your hair. It is VERY IMPORTANT to keep your eyes closed the ENTIRE TIME.

7. You may feel or hear movement in the water behind you, don't peek. You have now summoned your very own ghost and she will rise from the water behind you. You will feel her presence as she stares at you, her hair black and tangled. Her clothes are tattered and rotting. She only has one left eye that is bloodshot and the right eye is missing.

8. When you feel her presence, ask out loud "Why did you fall in the bath?"

9. Still keeping your eyes shut tightly, stand up and exit the bath. Be very careful while doing this, as your eyes are closed and the ghost may attempt to trip you on the wet tile of your bathroom.

10. Immediately exit the bathroom and shut the door. It is now safe to open your eyes. Leave the bathwater overnight and enjoy a good night's sleep because when you wake up, the game will begin.

11. When you wake up, the ghost is now following you. Trying to look at her directly will not work. Instead, glance over your right shoulder to catch a glimpse of her. As the day goes on, your ghost will get closer and closer to you. If she gets too close, yell "Tomare!" (Stop!) and run away as quickly as possible. This will put some distance between you and her.

How to end the game:

- You must catch a glimpse of her and yell "Kitta!" (roughly translates to "I cut you loose!").

- Then, hold your hand out in front of you and swing it downward in a cutting motion like a karate chop.

- It is important to END THE GAME BEFORE MIDNIGHT. If you don't, your ghost will follow you into your dreams as you sleep and more than likely kill you.

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