Chapter 1: A Witch's Love

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"Hey Soul!," a voice called from the halls of DWMA, Death Weapon Meister Academy as a cloud of dust seemed to form a path towards Soul, a student of DWMA and a weapon of Maka Albarn's. Soul already knew who this voice was coming from as he heard fast foot steps rushing towards him, papers flying and girls screaming wit their skirt's flying upwards.

"Hey, what's up Black*Star?," Soul asked, turning around and raised a hand from his pocket to high-five Black*Star, who seemed to have dashed and left Tsubaki, his weapon, behind again.

"Yo," he said with a grin high-fived his best friends hand and started asking his question immediately, "You know how I said I'm gonna transcend God?"

"Yeah you say that at least once every day you know," Soul said smirking and put his hands back in his pockets, acting as cool as he could in front of everyone who laid eyes on him.

"Well yeah, because I will and I gotta make sure everyone knows me when it happens. Well anyways I asked Maka how to transcend God. Well she said to transcend God you have to love someone so I decided this," Black*Star said as he pointed up and a spotlight seemed to shine on him,"I'm going to transcend Tsubaki's heart in order to transcend that old man up in the clouds," and dashed of screaming YAHOOOOO!! at the top of his lungs.

I don't know if you know how love works, Soul thought and turned around to continue walking with a lot of things now on his mind. I feel bad for Tsubaki, he probably doesn't know how to love a girl properly, and smirked to himself silently then soon thought about Maka, and how to deal with a girl like her.

You can't, besides I can't tell if Maka even is a girl, after all she doesn't have...boobs, or anything a girl should have. Besides who would love someone like her. Why am I even thinking about her, he thought, shaking his head violently and let his mind wander around a bit more and eventually bumped into someone, falling backwards.

"Hey! Watch where your-oh. Tsubaki," Soul said while looking up at the weapon in front of him who seemed to have a worried expression. He took her out-stretched hand and got up, patting the dust off his pants. "What's up? Something on your mind?"

"Yeah, well Black*Star suddenly dashed off in the direction you came from with a look on his face, have you seen him?," she asked worried.

"Oh yeah, I ran into him a bit before. He said he was going to transcend your heart but left you in the dust anyways," he said and smirked thinking about how he was going to transcend the heart of a girl he left, just to tell a friend what he's gonna do. After a bit he looked up to see a blushing Tsubaki which suddenly reminded him of Maka who always blushed when he caught her hand and blushed himself.

"T-That idiot," she stuttered and walked off blushing. Soul blinked while looking at Tsubaki rushing off, her ears flushed a light pink. Unable to say a thing, he decided to keep on walking and thought about why Maka had popped into his head. He kept thinking and walking unable to see any of he people in front of him properly.

Why her of all people? What the hell was I thinking about? Her blushing? "So uncool," he muttered to himself and kept walking, his pace going a bit faster as each question passed by in his mind. Suddenly an echo seemed to ring around him after a bit of walking, or rather running and stopped to listen to what it was.

"Soul-kun!," a girl's voice echoed as boobs suddenly squeezed against his back and an unstoppable fountain of blood shot out from his nose. "What are you doing here?" the same voice said with a giggle and he immediately recognized this voice. Blair. His vision cleared after his nose bleed stopped but burst into another fountain of red again at the picture he saw before him.

Blair was naked.

"W-W-WHY ARE YOU NAKED," he yelled and sat up turning around and pinched his nose. Shutting his eyes closed, he pinched his leg really hard to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He wasn't. How he knew? He pinched himself until it hurt to the point he felt tears.

"I think Soul-kun was thinking too much while walking," Blair said clearly unaffected by this situation. "This is the girl's shower room. Blair, Maka-chan, Liz-chan and Patti-chan are washing because we got covered in dust after Black*Star-kun ran really fast."

"Blair? Who's that other person? Tsubaki?," a voice rung in the locker room of the girls shower. A voice he heard every day, whether it was screaming or- well mostly screaming.


Foot steps echoed close to them and without thinking, Soul turned around and seemed light headed from the sight he saw. Maka stood naked, her face becoming redder by the second while he stared at her, unable to react.

"Hey, so she does have boobs," he said aloud without thinking as Maka started screaming a book already in hand, and so far the biggest book he was going to be bashed in the head with.

"M-M-MAKAAAAAAA CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!," and as he felt the three bashes echo in his head, and the last thing he thought was where did she even get the god damned book from, a nosebleed pouring down his face as his vision faded into black.

He felt his consciousness come back like water as he heard Maka's voice fade in.

"...don't want to see that p-pervert," her voice echoed followed by a slam like a door closing. Groaning Soul sat up and opened his eyes slowly, the white wall of the doctor's office showing first.

"So your finally awake?," Dr.Stein's voice called from beside him,"Well that's too bad, I would've been able to dissect you if you didn't wake up," he said with a laugh, and luckily for the weapon a friendly one. Soul nodded slowly and looked towards where Dr.Stein's voice was coming from, only to find Blair inches away from his face.

"Uh, Blair your... pretty close and-mph!" Blair's lips smashed against his just as Dr.Stein pushed the white curtains to check on him and the door opened with Maka staring, a tray with food in hand. She put it on a nearby table, muttered a few words and left, leaving Blair kissing Soul and Dr.Stein staring at the two ,and surprisingly, blushing.

"Well, uh, I'll be leaving you two now," Dr.Stein finally said after a moment and left, closing the door with his face still bright red as if he remembered something equally as embarrassing. As soon as the door shut with a small click Soul pushed the girl who was still kissing him off, pissed at what she had just done.

"What the hell was that for?!," he yelled,"Why would you do something like that?" a shadow now thrown across his face, gripping the sheet covering his legs. He put a hand over his eyes as if they were a mask to cover him from the world.

"Because I like Soul-kun! Is something wrong with that? Your always hanging around Maka-chan, never paying attention to Blair!," she yelled back, Blair who never yelled, Blair the sweet witch who was always calm. She seemed to be pissed off as much as he was but tried not to show it.

"Your serious, huh," he said after a bit but his mind was somewhere else. What am I supposed to tell Maka? How am I supposed to apologize? I even feel like I want to apologize?

"Soul-kun, are you listening to me?," the cat witch asked in a whisper, her head faced down. "So will you go out with Blair?" She blurted out her hands gripping her dress as if trying to keep from shaking him and kissing again.

"I...don't think I can, I'm sorry," Soul answered a bit more sharper than he had intended, and was surprised at himself, for the tone he was using, a tone he only used when something was bugging him more than anything in the world. I declined her without thinking? But why? Anyone would say yes, right?

"Soul-kun...likes Maka-chan right?," Blaire said and looked up with tears flowing down her face, and surprised Soul, not by the tears,but by how right those words sounded to him, how those few words seemed to warm his heart in an instant.

"I'm sorry," he said as those words repeated over and over in his head,"I might." and he felt warm droplets fall on his hand when he realized that it was true, and he might have no way to turn back to Maka again from what had just happened.

"I might."

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