Chapter 3: Away for the Day

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"Kid brought Maka to his house huh?," Soul thought aloud putting his hands in his pockets. He dragged himself away from Kid's house and towards the apartment which he and Maka had shared for quite a while. He had talked to Patti and Liz, a person that acts like a child, and a person who just so happens to have a crush on Kid. I should've expected them two to go to Kid's house. After all they....kissed.

His steps echoed louder on the streets of Death city. The night was more silent than usual, the only sounds being the rustle of his sweater and the tap of rubber hitting concrete. His mind was full of thoughts. Of the fact that Maka and Death seem to be dating now. Of the fact that it seemed a bit wrong to him.

He knew that Kid had had a crush on Maka for a while, but didn't realize that there was the small chance of Maka liking him back. That very slim chance that seem to shatter his heart at the very thought of that happening.

Then Soul's mind started forming questions in his mind that made him want to run away, and maybe never come back. Thoughts that made him feel sick and things he usually wouldnt feel.

Wouldn't I just get in the way being near Maka? I mean I do live with her in the same apartment. What if Kid starts hating me because of this. What if Maka..he started thinking but never finished it because his mind switched to an idea he knew would hurt him deep.

"Then I won't go home," Soul said out loud. He felt the sharp sting in his chest when he said it, knowing that's not what he really wanted, knowing he was wishing something else completely withing the walls he formed around his heart. His vision blurred and warmth trickled it's way down his face, the walls shattering as if unable to stand because of how these thoughts seemed too strong.

He felt a warm trickle run down his face, knowing how wrong it would be if he stuck too close to Maka when Kid seemed to be having the time of his life with her, and probably making her feel a lot better than before.

He picked up his pace, thinking of how he wouldn't get in the way anymore. Of how he should make Mama's life better. Of how he should slowly drift away and out of the picture.

Soon he reached the apartment with a plan in his mind, And maybe too soon, running into the room they were living in, grabbing a bag from the living room as he headed towards his room.

The tears seemed to sting Soul more while grabbing his clothes wildly and stuffing it into the bag with only so much room to put things in. The tears kept streaming down and only negative thoughts could pop up in his head when trying to think of a reason to stay.

"It's better for Maka if I'm not here," he whispered to himself but his mind was thinking, hoping the exact opposite. "What would I do if Kid started hating me? We would be enemies, and Make would hate me too..." and I wouldn't want that, Soul's finished in his mind, but his heart said different.

He ripped a piece of paper from a nearby notebook in his room and went into the living room grabbing a pencil from the few things in his bag and scribbled a small letter  as fast as he could.

" I'm sorry Maka, but you should already know that it's better for us this way now," he whispered in the empty room and forced himself to get up and open the door. Walking out was even more difficult as memories of his friends filled his mind.

Blaire laughing only covered in a towel, Black*Star and him with a fountain of blood pouring from their noses. Tsubaki flustered while Maka had a book in hand ready the Maka Chop the two. Kid blushing while Patti is drawing and Liz just as flustered as Tsubaki.

I'm sorry everyone..., Soul thought finally managing to shove himself out of the apartment door with his hand lingering on the door knob, knowing once his hand left, that he was leaving behind everything. All the memories. All the fun.

He let go of the knob where his finger tips met and scrubbed at his now red eyes palming his motorcycle keys in his pocket. Slinging himself on the yellow motorbike, he took out his keys and started the engine making it roar loudly as he revved it up once. Twice. Three times.

"Dr.Stein, you better be ready for the storm that's about to enter your life for a bit," Soul said aloud and heard it echo out onto the dark streets which we're lit with only dim streetlights.

And for the last time that day, and maybe the last time ever, he smiled, is teeth flashing white in the moon that seemed  to be staring and smiling right at him.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever. And that this is really really really short. But don't worry! I'll have more parts out soon! C:
(And hopefully a bit longer too)

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