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Normal P.O.V

The breeze made Mavis's hair fly all over the place as she woke up.  She slept at the docks?

"Nani?" She asked herself as she looked over seeing Precht had fallen asleep next to her. 

She tried to wake him up politely as she could but she didn't want to bother him. So she just laid there looking at the sky. 

"Precht?" Mavis heard a familiar voice as she looked over seeing Warrod there with Yuri. The way Yuri looked at Mavis made her heart break. He looked at her as if he had cheated on him even though they weren't even together. Precht opened one eye looking at his friends then closing them once again.

"What do you want?" He asked them. They looked at each other as Mavis stood up looking down.

"What are you doing here with a girl like her?" Warrod laughed. Mavis tried not to tear up while standing there. Precht sighed standing up.

"I was here last night, she came here crying, and I made her feel better. I think." He smiled at Mavis not caring what Warrod or Yuri had thought.


Yuri's P.O.V

She stayed the night here with Precht cause she was crying..? Did I make her cry?! I was only trying to make an example with that girl last night, night trying to make her cry.

"You always were a softy." Warrod stated. I looked at Warrod then to Mavis who was looking down. Her hair was a mess from sleeping on the dock. I couldn't see her face. Was she crying again?

"My bad. I thought she was adorable. At first I thought Yuri like her, but then he said he didn't know her." Precht noticed me looking at Mavis. I had to play it off as I didn't care.

"And I don't. She looks like she is twelve. Have fun with a girl like that-" I was cut off by another girl.

"EXCUSE ME!" An indigo haired girl stood in front of me.

Who the hell is she?!


Normal P.O.V

Mavis looked up to see a indigo haired girl that stopped Yuri from speaking. Precht and Warrod were also shocked.

"EXCUSE ME!" She shouted. "Are you seriously judging her by her looks?" She glared at Yuri as the others were all trying not to laugh. 

"I-I was just s-saying-" As Yuri trembled his words she cut him off again.

"You were just what? Nothing! This camp is judgmental free! If you have a problem with that, Yuri Dreyar than you can leave!" She shouted at him. Yuri glared rolling his eyes.

"Fine! Precht, Warrod, lets go." Yuri turned around leaving the girls behind. Warrod and Precht follow behind Yuri laughing because he got told by he indigo haired girl.

"See you around, Blondie." Precht smiled at Mavis as he left. Mavis smiled to herself then looked at the indigo haired girl with her eyes wide.

"Arigato!" She bowed apologizing. She smiled at Mavis bowing as well.

"No problem! Yuri has gone to camp here for years like me, but he never once knew my name. And I just don't tolerate judging!" She smiled happily hugging Mavis. Mavis blushed having her hug her. The last person that hugged her was Zera..

"Oh. My name is Mavis Vermillion." Mavis smiled at her.

"I'm Wendy Marvel! Pleasure to meet you!" Wendy smiled happily. "I got to get back to camp and help my friend, Carla. I'll see you around!" She started to walk away. Mavis stood there not knowing what to do today. Yuri had abandon her and Precht was going to be with him, so she was all alone. "Do you have friends to go hang out with?" Wendy asked Mavis as she turned to her.

"Not really. New this year." She looked to the side hiding her face. "I don't have friends." Wendy smiled with a sigh, then giggled at her. Mavis looked up seeing Wendy take her hand.

"Then I will be your friend. Carla will love you." Wendy took her hand leading her back into camp.


Zero Fairy Tails (Mavis & Yuri FanFic :D )Where stories live. Discover now