Lock Down

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Precht's P.O.V

Yuri and I had a talk about my feelings with Mavis and I told him that I wouldn't act on them as long as he never hurt her and he agreed. It still sucks that I am going to be in the same school everyday with her and I can't talk to her because I'm afraid I'll say something I shouldn't. I slammed my locker door out of frustration, I should have stayed back home.

"Precht? Are you okay?" I heard Mavis's voice from behind, it startled me so I jumped a little. 

"All good." I said without looking at her. She made  a pouty face and forced me to turn around and look at her. Why was she torturing me, I just want to hug her.

"Hey, just because you have the feelings doesn't mean we can't talk. You were there for me when I needed it, so we are friends now." She tapped my chest as if she was lecturing me. I chuckled slightly and looked to the side.

"Well, I can try. Sorry." She giggled and handed me a piece of gum. "Well, I need to find Warrod." I said as I started walking away from her.

"Bye, Precht!" She smiled and ran off the other way. I sped walk to find Warrod, I needed to talk about my feelings or else I was afraid I'd do something bad.

"Dude, slow down." Warrod said stepping in front of me, I was in my own head so much I didn't realize I walked next to him.

I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him into the boys bathroom and leaned against the door so no one could come in. "I'm going to go back home."

"Why? Is it because of-"

"I'm sorry, but he treated her like crap at first and I was there for her. He was off with some other girl trying to push her away. But she chose him, so I respect that. Doesn't mean I have to sit around and watch." I stated. Warrod sat down on the ground resting his arms on his knees looking up at me.

"We told each other no girl would come between us. Why has that changed?" He asked me. I hadn't thought about it, but we promised back at home that we would always be friends no matter what. 

"Dude, I get that. But we can still be friends, I just don't want to watch her be lovey dovey with Yuri." I snapped. Warrod shook his head understanding and crossed his arms.

"Fine. I won't stop you. But I want you to really take the time and think. Are you that in love with Mavis that you would stop being around your childhood friends?" He stood up and flicked my head opening the bathroom door. "Don't be stupid. Think."

With that he walked out leaving me alone with my thoughts. I may care about Mavis, but do I really need to risk our friendship over her? It will suck seeing her be all over Yuri, but him and I have been friends for years. I would be a douche bag for leaving him high and dry without being there for him. 

"Arrrg!" I shouted looking at myself in the mirror. Dammit, I guess I should stay here and be there for Yuri. He's my best friend after all, so I will stay. God, Warrod is the freaking glue that keeps me and Yuri together. 

I should go thank him, so I went to open the door just when the intercom turned on. "ALL STUDENTS, THIS IS A LOCK DOWN. I REPEAT A LOCK DOWN." I closed the door immediately not leaving. Was this a real lock down, because no one said anything about a practice lock down. I know teachers told us to run to the nearest classroom but I didn't need to, so I hid in a stall.

Minutes later went by and someone opened the bathroom door slowly and stood there for a minute before they kicked open the stall next to me. This was clearly a real lock down, so I froze up instantly. My stall door was kicked open and I looked up to see a tall person with a beard holding a pistol to my head.

"Get out." He whispered, when I didn't move he hollered. "GET OUT!"

I jumped out and held my hands in the air begging he wont shoot me. "Sir, please don't shoot me, I'm-"

He stopped me before I could finish. "You know kid, my name is Hades. I just was trying to look for my granddaughter in this city until I found out she was murdered by a couple of kids in school. No one tried to tell me and no one tried to get revenge. SO I AM!" He laughed awkwardly then gripped the pistol tighter.

"I just moved here, I haven't done anything."

"Funny, the description fits you perfectly. Walk!" He shouted and made me walk into the hallway. I looked over at one of the classrooms to see Yuri and Warrod peeking out the window. Yuri's eyes narrowed and looked as if he was going to run out, but I looked at Warrod to stop him which he did.

"I can help you find-"

I stopped to hear the sound of sirens outside of the school and someone speaking on a megaphone. "We are giving you one minute until our guys come in and snipe you out. Evacuate immediately." They said, the man Hades laughed loudly like he was insane.

"Come and get me!" He kept the gun pointed at my chest. We waited for at least two minutes, were they already in the building? Someone please come and save me, this is causing me to stress. Was I going to die today?

A sound came from behind us when we both turned around to see Mavis and her blonde hair dropping her phone. "I'm sorry, I-" Before she could finish Hades pulled the trigger out of being scared and shot her in the chest right before my eyes. 

"NO!" I shouted and ran over to her sliding on the floor. Hades started to tremble and dropped the gun on the floor.

"What have I done-" He fell down and started crying. I ignored him and took off my sweatshirt pressing it on her chest to stop the blood from flowing.

"Stay with me Mavis, stay with me!" I kept saying over and over again. I was so focused on Mavis that I didn't notice the S.W.A.P came in and took Hades out of the building. One of the policemen came in and sat down next to me.

"Make sure you hold that tight while we get a gurney in here." He said calmly. I nodded trying not to freak out. 

"Mavis, please don't leave us." I realized I was crying when tears fell on my hands that were on the sweatshirt. Two other people came in rushing in with a gurney setting it up, they made me back up to pick her up setting her down. They asked me if I was someone she was related to, but I said no.

They rushed her out to the ambulance when other students starting running out to see what was going on. There was her old friend Zera who was crying in Zeref's arms, her cheer leading friends were all crying with each other. Yuri ran up to be crying like a little child on my shoulder.

"Thank god you were there to help stop her bleeding. I don't know what I would-" He couldn't finish because he was sobbing too much. Warrod tapped on both our shoulders and held up his keys.

"Lets go, a friend lent me his car." And with those words we instantly ran to the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Please, Mavis, don't die.

(Sorry about the feels train .-. BUT! On one note one more chapter until my first fanfic ends! Opinions are needed, do you think I should write a part two? Can't decide. Hmmmm ;3 )

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