Where they like to kiss you and how they kiss you

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Derek; lips; Derek loves to kiss your lips because they are always soft and warm. After a long day of work he likes to just come home and kiss you long and passionately because he's missed you all day and you return just as much because you've been worried about him since there's been more dangerous missions.

Spencer; Forehead;Spencer loves to kiss your forehead. He loves how it makes you feel protected and safe. Sometimes you have nightmares of you past and let's just say it wasn't great, and he always kisses your head and plays with your hair until you finally fall asleep.

Hotch: nose; Aaron loves to kiss your nose. It always makes you look adorable and he loves it when your nose scrunched up. You always love it when he does this because you love seeing his beautiful smile and his face light up.

Rossi: cheek; Rossi loves to kiss your cheek. He loves acting cute with you especially when you've both had a day off, watching movies, and while you cook he likes to surprise you with a kiss on the cheek

Awww! ☺️😊😝


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