lunch box

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(member in the picture above is Kkoch.)

An awkward silence went around the table, everyone was eating awkwardly with the cameras recording them. "I won't be home straight after school, I'm staying in the library to study for my test tomorrow" Woojin explained and Kkoch nodded. 

"Could I come with you, I need to study as well?" Kkoch asks and Woojin nodded meaning okay. 

"What're you two talking about...we need to practice as much as we can now. Our debut is in two months!" Hyeonjoon says in a serious tone, looking at the two boys. 

"Well not all of the members are out of school like you are Kidou, we need to graduate as well" Woojin explains before getting up and leaving the table without eating much. 

Kkoch followed behind and the two boys went to the door to put their shoes on. 

As everyone left to go to school, a set of cameramen followed them to school, recording them as they walked. The people who were passing by them looked at the boys with weird expressions on their faces. No one even knew JYP was debuting with another boy group, so they had no clue on who they were and why they were getting recorded like some celebrities.

Back at the dorm, Hyeonjoon noticed Minjoon didn't take his lunch from out of the fridge and was a bit surprised. "I should go to their school and give this to Minjoon" Hyeonjoon explains, grabbing the lunch box and heading to the door while putting his shoes on. 

"Where're you going Kidou?" Jae asks, looking at Hyeonjoon confused on why he was putting his shoes on. 

"No where, I'm just going to try and catch up to the boys walking to school. Minjoon forgot his lunch" Hyeonjoon explains before leaving the dorm. 

Jihoon was sweeping the floors when one of the camera men ask him "do you guys always make your own lunch?" 

Jihoon looked up at the camera man a bit confused by his sudden question. He then answers "yeah, Hyeonjoon and I make them lunches because we think it's better having home made meals." Jihoon explains when Kyung comes up behind him, hugging him from behind. 

Jihoon was extremely embarrassed, being hugged from behind by Kyung...especially on camera!

"K-Kyung!" Jihoon exclaims, elbowing Kyung in the stomach and Kyung coughed, letting go of Jihoon while holding his stomach. 

"You're strong for a small dude" Kyung explains in a chuckle while ruffling Jihoon's hair. 

As Kyung was ruffling Jihoon's hair, Jihoon looked into the camera in front of him and was giving it an un-pleased expression on his face. As Kyung stopped ruffling Jihoon's hair, Jihoon's hair was left in a mess and Jihoon still had an angry expression on his face. 

As Hyeonjoon was trying to catch up to the group of boys who were walking to school, the cameramen who followed them were already heading back to the dorm. "They're at school already?" Hyeonjoon asks and one cameramen nodded meaning yes. 

"Alright, I'll be back at the dorm in a minute. I have to drop this off for Minjoon and I'll be back" Hyeonjoon explains, holding up Minjoon's lunch box in his hand so the cameramen knew what he was talking about. 

Once Hyeonjoon had finally got to their school, he called Minjoon to meet him in front of the school gate so he could give him his lunch box. "You left this at the dorm, you're always forgetting something or getting lost, now aren't you Minjoon?" Hyeonjoon asks in an upset chuckle, ruffling Minjoon's hair. 

Minjoon blushed into a light pink as Hyeonjoon was ruffling his hair. He didn't know why but his heart started to pound and he didn't know how to control his beating heart. 

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