number one

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(The member in the picture above is Kkoch) 

Once Jaehwa and Kidou got back to the group of boys Haewon was talking too, Miu mentions "Jaehwa, you know what we just figured out?" 


"Jihoon here is half Japanese and he's lived in Japan for almost all of his life." Miu explains and Jaehwa had a shocked expression on his face. 

Jaehwa and Haewon loved Japan, they were anime freaks. They especially loved the anime, Inazuma. 

"Why didn't you tell us you were Japanese, baka!" Jaehwa exclaims in an angry matter which the camera men would have to bleep out later. 

"Don't say swear words hyung...we're filming our reality T.V show..." Jihoon explains. 

"What, what'd he say?" Jason asks, eager to know but Jihoon shook his head meaning he didn't need too. 

"Aho, you should have told us!" Haewon exclaims, coming behind Jaehwa in an offended matter and Jihoon groaned. 

"Speak to us in Japanese" Jaehwa asks, looking at Jihoon eagerly. 

"I don't want to..." 

"Come on Jihoon, try having a conversation with us. We want to know where our Japanese speaking and understanding skills are at" Jaehwa begs and Jihoon sighed. 

"Hello Jaehwa, Haewon...I'm speaking Japanese can you understand me?" Jihoon asks, now starting to speak in Japanese. 

All of the other members had blank expressions on their faces, not knowing what Jihoon had just said. Jaehwa and Haewon looked like they were trying to process what Jihoon had said to make it look like they understood, but they really didn't. 

Jaehwa felt a bit embarrassed, saying "w-well Haewon and I know what you said but we can't put it into words" and that's when everyone in their group knew their hyungs were lying. 

"You guys said you would be able to understand" Kidou teases, lightly pushing Jaehwa on his shoulder. 

"I got a little bit of it" Jaehwa says in a smirk.

Haewon then looked down at his phone where another member from their group had texted him and told them to get back to their rooms. "Come on Jaehwa, we need to go" Haewon says, patting Jaehwa on the back before turning around and walking to the door.

"Alright, I'll be there for your debut stage guys!" Jaehwa says in a smile before turning around and leaving the practice room with Haewon. 

With a couple more hours of the camera crew recording, they went home and the members went to the dorm to get an hour or two of sleep before waking up to go to school. 

As the members got into the dorm, Z as always went to take his shower but as Jae went into his bedroom and got into bed, he was confused to see Miu putting on his sweater. "What're you doing, Miu?" Jae asks, looking at him confused. 

"I' know..." 

"Don't tell me you're going to the gym again" Jae says in a serious tone and Miu looked down to avoid eye contact with him. 

"Did you not learn from the hospital trip the other day Miu, you have to get some sleep! Your health is more important." 

"Working out at the gym is healthy for me too though." 

"You're overworking yourself, what do you not understand Miu? When we debut and if the fans ever see your bare face they'll seriously know something is up because of how pale and sick you look. You're overworking yourself babe. Please, I don't want you to go to the hospital again. It's going to make me think it's my fault." Jae explains in a low, sad tone. 

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