Light of Night ((Twilight Fan-Fic)) Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: New views

The next day was off. I knew things were wrong some how. I didn't know why it would be. I didn't look forward to the end of the day like most people did. That was the class I knew I would have with Jasper as our T.A. It was like a weight on my shoulders. I didn't even know what his problem was. But me being me knew I had to confront him to find that out. I drove to school with that in mind. In English I noted Edward was gone. Jessica sat at a seat as far from me as was possible.

All day long I waited tell I could tell him off. Each class getting closer to lunch were maybe there I could chew him out for hating me and not even knowing me. Once Lunch came around I speed away from class muttering under my breath the main question “What's your problem?” to myself.

But when my eye's searched the cafeteria I was let down. Jasper was no were to be found. Edward and he were missing from the table of beautiful people. I saw this and was taken back. Was he really sick and me just being paranoid. Then again he could just be skipping lunch as well. It was just that look from yesterday. Of pure rage. Like... Like I had stepped on his broken arm. I made myself a deal that I wouldn't jump to conclusions where Jasper was concerned just yet.

I was a rational girl. I mean what could it hurt to give him a chance to explain it all away. It was the least I could do. He wasn't like some crazy person that I knew of yet. So give him that at the very most. “What is wrong with Bella?” Mike asked snapping me back to the real world outside of my crazy random mind.

“I don't know.” Jess said. “But seems like Sophie has it too.” I snapped back then.

“I'm just going to get a soda today.” Bella said. I fallowed her lead and just grabbed a sprite. I sat down at the table as a talk of a trip to La Push erupted.

“We so need to go. In a few weeks the weather has to be good on one of the weekends.” Mike said to Tyler. “Well that's what the weather man is predicting.”

“Hey could Adam and I come with?” I asked quickly. Once I had stopped looking at the table hoping out of no where he would glide in at any moment. It really wasn't helping my dilutions at all. But he didn't of course I wouldn't be that lucky.

“Duh come on you think we are that rude.” Mike said. “Didn't you say you have friends over there?”

“Yeah a few. Thanks, it gives us an excuse to go make him get his butt out of the house.” I said as a joke but three pair of eyes were now staring at me. I don't think the word HIM was good to say. “Then again I could go see if my friend Leah could come out too. She's totally fun.” They all smiled at the She though. Maybe thinking ether super hot girl or a reason to get me to act like a total girl. So far Jessica had tried to do stuff with me but I just wasn’t into the idea of shopping with her and going and seeing chicky flicks.

“For sure.” Tyler said. After that the topic was just carried on about what we could do at La Push. Yet even well trying to input some ideas of my own I couldn't help but think of the table that lay behind me empty of one person I needed to talk to. So I was startled when the bell rang. It was like yet another reminder I could possible be around that kind of behavior.

I walked to my next class with the idea of just calming my nerves. It really shouldn't be that hard. And it wasn't. I had no time to think because I ended up helping people out. So it came to a major shock, once more, when the bell rang. Angela and Eric were right at the door when I was. I couldn't help but smile at the two. They really were quickly becoming my new friends.

“Ready?” Eric asked. He really was the over helpful kind of person. I had learned today that he was no only class president but the yearbook editor and school paper president. He must have had lots of free time on his hands.

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