Light of Night ((Twilight Fan-Fic)) Chapter 3

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Light of Night Chapter 3

Stranger things

When I woke the next morning I could tell something was up. It was far to bright in my room. Yes there was still the green gray of Forks but still it was bright.

I tried not to get my hopes up for the sun but they ended up high any ways. So I sprinted to my window and there it was, Snow every where. I sighed. So much for hope of the sun. I noticed the ice on the ground as well. My car was lightly covered on the top. And patches of ice had frozen on the road.

Moving away from my window I put my hands on my face. “Why me?” I ask to the empty air in my room. After a quick shower and getting dressed in a long sleeve shirt and jeans, I started to put in my contacts. Just as I was putting in the second one I herd the phone ring. Properly placed I blinked until I herd a call from down stairs. Thanking my lucky stars I didn't just poke my eye.

“Hey Sophie you have a call from Bella down here.” It was Adam up and most likely making breakfast. I hoped down step after step tell I was in the kitchen and grabbed the phone.

“Hiya Sophie here.” I really don't like phones as I've tried to tell people but since she was my ride to school I had to talk on it. It's not that it was technology I hated more along the lines of I would rather have a face to face talk with someone.

“Hey.... I know your going to have your dad drive you over to ride with me but, Well could you drive. I'm Really not good on ice.” Bella's voice said as she put an extra enfranchise on the word Really.

 “Sure Bella I can do that.” I just hopped I was good on ice. She had a truck so I knew I wouldn't be so skittish. “I'll see you as soon as my dad can get me there.”

I ate a quick breakfast with Brandon of eggs and toast. After bundling up in a jacket then coat and boots I got ready to head out to the Patrol car. I waved at Adam after tossing him the keys to the car. “Be safe.” I told him and he nodded. Outside I navigated the ice on the side walk rather well. Hopping into the car I wondered how good Brandon was at driving in the snow.

We pulled away from the house and I felt the sudden urge to hit my head. I didn't even remember the way to Bella's house. So it was a good thing I had asked Brandon to take me. I tried to pay attention to each turn and then realized it wouldn't take long to get there seeing as this was Forks. Tiny town not hard to find the house of the one of the three cops in towns house.

When we pulled into the small drive way in front of the house that was more of a dirt path Bella and Charlie were out talking he had a hold of her. My guess she had just tripped. She was brushing off snow and ice from her legs. She was bundled up like I was with a nice thick coat and boots.

“Charlie.” My dad said as he hopped out of the car and walked toward them both. Bella smiled at Brandon lightly. “And Wow Bella. You look all grown up.”

“Hello Officer Long.” She said as she moved toward me and handed me the keys to the truck. It was an oldie but in a way strangely sturdy.

“Ah Brandon about time you come and visit.” Charlie said. He took one look at me and nearly gasped. “Wow Sophie you have grown. I thought Brandon was just exaggerating when he was saying how tall you are.” He came up to me and gave me sideways hug.

“He can't have talked about me all that much.” I said as I stepped back. It was always awkward hugging people you don't have much to do with you hole life and they come up and hug you. Even two days ago a women from the cafe had ran out to hug me.

“You kidding he talks about you kids all the time. Even before you got here. Sophie and Adam this and that.” Charlie says with a laugh. It made me happy Brandon was always so loving of us. A blush crossed his face and then my own.

Light of Night ((Twilight Fan-Fic))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu