Dream Come True

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Summary: After a first date with you, Barry ends up in an unlikely place with many unexpected events.

It started off as another normal day. Maybe even a better than average day. Barry had just dropped you off at your apartment after your first date, which had to be the best first date he's ever been on.

He had easily convinced you to let him take you to Central City's Science Museum (despite having gone there a hundred times before, they exchanged exhibits with other museums so it was still new to him), and he happily explained the science behind all the games you two played. He could even swear that he felt his heart race when you chimed in with a few questions which he was more than happy to answer.

You two ended up spending almost four hours there, which included a half an hour lunch at their own food court, before Barry insisted on walking you home. He knew the dangers that haunted Central City and he wasn't willing to expose you to any of them.

By the time you had reached your apartment, Barry still hadn't found the courage to kiss you before he left. So instead, he wrapped you up in a tight hug, slightly swaying from side to side while he, once again, searched himself for any hint of courage but couldn't scrounge any together in time, much to both of your disappointment.

"Thank you for coming tonight, y/n." He whispered in your ear before he nearly had to force himself to release you from his grip.

"Thank you for bringing me," You smiled, twiddling with your fingers before you decided to let your inhibitions go. If he wasn't going to make the first move, you sure as hell would. You reached up to grip his shirt and pull him back down towards you, pressing his lips to yours.

He was shocked at first and nervous as to where he should put his hands but when he finally relaxed he snaked his arms around your waist and pulled to against him again.

Barry's entire being was focused on you. Y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, it seemed to scream. He found himself concentrated on the taste of your watermelon chapstick and how soft it made your lips and how his hands seemed to fit perfectly on your hips.

If he were to die anytime soon, he decided that he'd want it to be from lack of oxygen since he never wanted pull his lips off of yours. He couldn't even remember the last time that he had been so engrossed with kissing someone that he never wanted it to end. His mind would usually drift off to the work stuff he'd usually have to do later but now it was like his mind couldn't even process the fact that he was kissing you, let alone focus on anything else. All else was irrelevant.

Unwillingly, you finally pulled back and grinned up at him, now noticing his rosy cheeks. "Bye, Barry." You smiled.

"Huh?" He felt a bit dazed from the kiss (maybe the lack of oxygen from the kiss actually was beginning to get to him). "Oh, yes! I will see you tomorrow, at work." He paused, stumbling over his words in his confusion. "After work actually. Y'know since we don't work together and all so I wouldn't exactly see you at work..." He awkwardly rubbed at the back of his neck, as if that would take away the embarrassment he felt as he made a fool of himself.

"So I'll get to see you again, then?" You questioned, leaning against the door frame as you admired his blushed cheeks and beaming grin. God, he was cute.

"Yeah, of course! I promise I'll see you after your shift at the ice cream shop."

"I'm holding you to it, Barry."

He smiled and pressed his lips to yours once again. But this time, he had to pull away much quicker because he knew he'd be sucked into your charm again if he let himself get too distracted.

He jogged out of your apartment building before he dashed off using his super speed. God, it felt good to run again. It had been hours since he had been able to do this run freely (without a target to chase or protect) and he knew he'd have to savor this time.

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