New Years Kiss

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Summary: Barry promises you that he'll make it to be your New Years kiss but will he actually make it in time?

"And you promise you'll be there, right Bare?"

Silence echoed through the phone, making you lose faith in his ability to keep his promise. Yet another holiday would be ruined by his superhero duties.

Last Valentines day was ruined by a jealous and angry female meta how despised love and the sight of any happy couples. She just so happened to enter the restaurant that you and Barry had gone to for dinner and, of course, Barry stepped in to stop her from causing any serious damage and prevented any possible injuries; though he was unable to save the night from being ruined.

All the illegal fireworks set off by locals on the fourth of July had managed to set a apartment building on fire and Barry had to run to the rescue.

Christmas in Central City must've had been unknown calling card for evil meta because the two weeks leading up to Christmas had be filled with nearly a new meta every other day and no one knew why. Barry had worked overtime on keeping the city safe but his time spent with you was limited.

And here we are. December 31st. Things seemed almost too calm in comparison to the previous weeks.

"I will be there." He finally spoke, snapping you out of your negative thoughts. "Come hell or high water I will make sure that I am right by your side before the clock strikes midnight. I promised you that you'd finally get your New Years kiss and I fully intend on keeping that promise. You just have to trust me, darling."

"I do!" You quickly defended, ignoring the look that some middle aged women gave you for the outburst in the relatively quiet coffee shop. "I trust you with my life, Barry Allen. However, I know how awful our luck has been with any sort of holiday and I don't want to get my hopes up either."

"If you do trust me. Then I need you to stop worrying about this. There is no way I would miss the opportunity to give you your very first New Years kiss. Despite our unfortunate luck lately I am determined to have this new year be a clean slate and I cannot think of a better way to do that than beginning it with kissing you. All you have to do is meet me at the Joe's house for his party."

You felt silly for doubting him when he seemed so adamant that he would be there. But, in the back your mind, you were still very aware of the fact that it only took seconds for something to go wrong in this city that needed the Flash.

But dating Barry Allen also meant dating The Flash and that was just something you'd have to deal with.

"Okay," You conceded. "I'll meet you at Joe's party. Don't let me down, Barry Allen"

You couldn't nearly hear the smirk in his voice as he replied. "Wouldn't dream of it."


Joe had the TV on the New Years celebration in the background. The two minute timer had popped up and Barry was nowhere to be found.

Your chest ached at the thought of him breaking a promise. After all, he had promised that he would be here. Was it really that easy for him to break a promise?

One minute and thirty seven seconds...

You glanced around awkwardly. They had begun pairing up in their tipsy haze. Joe was with Cecile. Cisco with Gypsy. At least they get their kiss. God, you felt so bitter. Finally you thought you had someone to kiss at midnight but it would seem that fate didn't agree.

You sighed quietly, stepping out onto the front porch so that you wouldn't have to be surrounded by happy couples when you would much rather be bitter about your stupid boyfriend and sulk outside alone.

You brushed some snow of the stairs with your boot. There had to be only thirty seconds or so when you felt a familiar swoosh of air. He made it.

"Now now, you'd give up on me that easily, darling?" He asked with a smug grin on his face.

"Bare..." You exhaled a breath you didn't know you were holding. "You actually made it!" You flung yourself into his arms and snuggled into his neck.

The countdown from inside echoed out into the cold winter air and Barry leaned back slightly to coax you out of his warm neck, his fingers tipping your chin up to meet his gaze. No words were exchanged as Barry waited for the countdown. His forehead pressed against yours, his breath visible in the cold air. You could barely focus on anything but him as his lips every so gently grazed against yours, teasing you before he pulled back slightly.


Barry lips met yours. Your hands weaved in his hair and you could only focus on him. Nothing else mattered in that moment.

Moments later, he was forced to pull away to allow each of you to catch your breath. "You should know by now that I don't make a promise that I don't intend to keep." He reminded, his forehead once again pressed against yours as his gaze pierced yours. "Especially to you. Never plan on breaking any sort of promise to you or letting you down."

In the end, he kept his promise and he only hoped that you would have faith in whatever he promises you next. But for now, this was a perfect way to end one year and begin another.

"What even took you so long?" You questioned Barry on the midnight walk to his apartment, playfully swinging your intwined hands between you as you walked along the snowy sidewalk. "I mean, why show up thirty seconds before midnight when you could've been by my side all night?"

As you passed under a streetlight, you noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. "Well..." He awkwardly rubbed his neck with his free hand. "You see, I ended up losing track of time as I was setting up my apartment and next thing I knew it was almost midnight..."

You raised your eyebrows suggestively at him, knowing fully well what he had been planning. "Oh yeah?" You quipped. "What makes you think your getting any after I thought you nearly forgot about me and my New Years kiss?"

Barry's face paled. "Um..." He filed through every reason in the book. "Because I did make it on time?" He suggested with a boyish smile on his face.

"You're lucky you're cute, Barry Allen..."

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