A Headache Made From Lies Part I

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~Unedited. Sorry :/

*Justice's P.O.V*

As I walked down the halls to my locker, I couldn't help but think about what Chresanto told me earlier. I had known Jacob for most of my life, and he was a very sweet loving guy. Although we had our ups and downs, dancing was our passion. Dancing was what brought us together, so why would he lie about something we both hold to out heart so deeply?


"Babe, don't be afraid to move your legs. You're too stiff." He looked at me with those mezmorizing eyes again. He looked like he was in deep thought. "What are you feeling?" He asked through scrunched eyebrows. "Love." I stated simply. The corners of his lips pulled upwards forming into a smirk. "Then Show me. Show me through dance." He stated. I bit my lip and nodded. I scrolled through my phone searching for something. Something...different.

*End Of Flashback*

I leaned my head against the cold metal locker. I remember that day as clearly as ever. That was my first time doing a contemporary piece. I didn't know how to do the elegant turns, and landings, and flips. But I started dancing with my heart, and let my body flow. I thought about ever moment Jacob and I had while my body moved cooperatively. I stopped from my natural Hip Hop, and let my body flow to the angelic music. I showed him how much I loved him, just through a dance routine. He was so proud of me. He looked at me like he's never looked at me before, and I could tell from that moment on, we were going to be madly, deeply, uncontrollably in love with each other.

And I wasn't wrong.

We were in love. He was my first and I was his. He will always hold a special place in my heart because of that, but when I open my eyes up to reality, And block out our love fantasy, I have to realize and ask myself. :'Would Jacob really do something like this?' Crush somebody else's dream for his own? This whole thing had my head spinning, and I was just ready to go home and ask him about it. I felt my eyes getting watery. I saw Princeton walking my way, and I decided to start twisting the lock on my locker. "Hey Pretty Girl" He said as he approached me. I looked around confused. he couldn't be talking to me. "Me?" I asked pointing to myself. He chuckled and nodded. Where did this come from? Well, It was whatever, I didn't mind him calling me pretty. "Hey" I said. Grabbing my Nike Gym bag out my locker and closing it. "We're doing a little gig at the vacant lot on 69th. I was hoping you'd come" He said rubbing a hand through his hair. "Only of you let me braid your hair" I bargained. He looked flustered, then that's when he glared at me. "Alright" He mumbled . I cupped my ear and turned my head. "What was that?" I asked teasing him. He looked at me with seriousness, but a grain spreaded across his face. "Alright" He said louder than the first time. I laughed and locked arms with him as we began walking down the hall to the school's front doors.

*Diggy's P.O.V*

I ditched my last period class because I knew Justice would be there, and Prince would be drooling over her. I sat at the Maple Tree on our school's playground. I could feel my Grampa's presence. I know he's not here, but every time I sat here, it's like I could feel him. I know he's with me here. I stared down at my blank notepad sheet. Whenever I had alot on my mind, I always wrote rhymes. "I'm popular. I'm athletic. I'm smart. Yet.. she just doesn't want me. I know it's her 2nd day here, but I could've had 12 girls in 2 days." I said out loud. If my grampa was here, he'd just laugh at my Playboy ways. "I would give up, but It's like this pull she has on me" I stated. I had a feeling Gramps would relate to him and Grandma and their crazy love situations. I chuckled. I missed the old man to death. He was the only father figure I really had in my life. I heard the loud bell ring, so school was dismissed. I got up and started to walk around to the front of the building. As I started walking towards the gang, Prince and Justice walked out of the building laughing and their arms linked. Then I put my ego aside and stepped into reality... I honestly don't want to give up. I'm gonna try to get Justice.

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